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Chosen Architectural Design

The winner of the new Shepparton Art Museum architectural competition is Denton Corker Marshall.

The architectural competition jury recommendation was endorsed at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 18 April following a comprehensive design competition spanning several months.

The seven member expert jury report noted that the Denton Corker Marshall proposal was unanimously selected as the winning proposal for the Stage 2 Concept Design Competition after a robust and rigorous assessment of the five design concepts against the agreed criteria.

The Denton Corker Marshall proposal stood out because it combined a powerful and relevant conceptual idea – well-resolved and compelling in its sculptural expression and detail – with a highly adaptable, functional, safe and efficient solution, according to the report.

The jury report stated the building as a ‘beacon in the landscape’ and offers an expressive, innovative, contemporary and exciting SAM that works well with its immediate and greater environmental, social and cultural contexts. It is anticipated that the design will make an outstanding contribution to the identity and culture of Shepparton and Victoria.

The jury noted that each of the five shortlisted entries were carefully prepared and commended the entrants for their endeavour. The field of submissions was competitive and the jury considered each design carefully and at length against the design competition’s evaluation criteria. The design objectives clearly articulated specific design requirements which the jury focused on to reach their ultimate decision, which was unanimous.

Learn more about the winning design