Stage 3 works commence in Maude Street
Maude Street Mall redevelopment is progressing as planned with Stage 3 works commencing earlier this week at the southern end of the mall near High Street. Read more
The Maude Street Mall Precinct Redevelopment was part of Shepparton’s CBD Revitalisation Project. The project also included works to rejuvenate Vaughan Street (completed) and the Maude Street Bus Interchange and Maude Street between Ashenden and High Streets.
The redevelopment includes modern street furniture, shelters with solar panels, CCTV, audio, lighting, a new playground and the addition of one-way low-speed traffic, southbound from Fryers Street to High Street, with on-street parking.
Stage 1 works occurred at the Fraser Street entrance to the mall, near the observation tower.
This stage of works included:
This stage was completed in early May 2022.
Stage 2 works occurred at the northern end of the mall, between Fryers Street and Stewart Street.
The following works were completed as part of construction for the northern end of the new roadway which will allow traffic through the mall:
This stage was completed in September 2022.
Stage 3 works occurred at the southern end of the mall, between Stewart Street and High Street in parallel with Stage 4.
The following works were completed as part of construction for the southern end of the new roadway which will allow traffic through the mall:
Stage 4 works occurred at the Stewart Street entrance to the mall in parallel with Stage 3. This stage of works included:
Archived content follows:
Businesses will remain accessible during the works. Refer to the directory map below to locate Maude Street Mall businesses. Please refer to the pedestrian access map above for current access routes and hoarding configuration.
In March 2017 Council resolved to undertake a process of exploring design concepts for a redeveloped Maude Street Mall. The aim of the project is to improve the function and visual amenity of the Mall in maintaining its primacy as the heart of the Shepparton CBD.
In May 2018 Spiire developed and prepared four concept design options for the proposed Maude Street Mall precinct redevelopment. Council undertook extensive consultation on four design options presented by Spiire, with Council refining options and adopting the Concept Design Option 4a as the basis for the proposed revitalisation.
Concept design Option 4a consists of a shared streetscape with one way traffic at an estimated cost of $17.15m. It provides flexibility and adaptability to better cater for changing industries and consumer demands and habits.
The tender for the design work and business case was awarded to Group GSA at the August 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting at a cost of $499,950. Group GSA utilised local subcontractors including engineering and surveying, and have a demonstrated track record in delivering similar projects for regional and metropolitan areas.
The tender for construction work was awarded to local company Jarvis Delahey Contractors at the September 2021 Council Meeting. Works commenced in October 2021. The initial works focused on the removal of infrastructure and utility services relocation works so as not to disrupt traders prior to the busy pre-Christmas period.
The Refined Concept Design featuring greater detail, based upon Council-endorsed Concept Option 4 was presented to the community for consultation.
Concept Option 4A was developed after consideration of public consultation feedback, and includes the following key features:
Click-and-drag on the map below to zoom in and see details.
Construction works commenced in late 2021 and are expected to be completed by November 2022.
Major construction works are expected to take around 12 months.
The cost estimate developed as part of the conceptual design work for Option 4A is $17.15M. More accurate costings will be obtained through the detailed design process as the overall scope of works is refined.
Council have secured both Federal and State Government funding to the value of $12.325m. Council will fund the remaining $4.825m.
$8.575m was obtained from the Commonwealth Building Better Regions Fund and $3.75m was obtained from the Victorian Government's Regional Infrastructure Fund – Stimulus Round.
Where possible, established trees have been preserved, however a small number of trees had to be removed to make way for the roadway and features of the new design. We have planted new mature trees to replace these, as well as some extra trees that feature in the new design.
Yes. Businesses in the mall are trading as usual. All shops remain accessible for the duration of the works. Hoardings have been erected around works to protect shop fronts and pedestrians, so you may not be able to take your usual route. Please refer to the current pedestrian access map and Maude Street Mall business directory on this page.
Maude Street Mall redevelopment is progressing as planned with Stage 3 works commencing earlier this week at the southern end of the mall near High Street. Read more
Maude Street Mall redevelopment works commenced for the year on Monday 10 January 2022, with the installation of the Stage 2 hoarding in the northern end of the mall. Read more
Works are well underway on Stage 1 of the Maude Street Mall redevelopment project with plans to break before Christmas to minimise disruption to both traders and shoppers at a critical time for retail. Read more
For further information please contact:
Manager Projects
(03) 5832 9700