Kerbside Waste Collection

Cost Estimate Calculator

Use the calculator below to enter your household’s bin configuration, then scroll down to view your estimate of your annual cost and compare with the previous year’s cost.

Depending on the size of your waste bin the cost of your kerbside collection will vary. The four bin collection includes the general waste (red lid bin), FOGO (green lid bin), recycling (yellow lid bin) and glass (purple lid bin).

Note: All urban/residential kerbside waste collection services must include at least one red lid bin, one yellow lid bin and one purple lid bin. These options cannot be removed below. Rural properties that compost their own green waste can opt out of the green lid bin.

You can add more bins of various sizes as needed. If your specific bin configuration isn’t possible to enter below, please contact Council on 03 5832 9700 to discuss your cost estimate.

Your bins:

Bin Type Bin Size Quantity  
Add another bin:
Please make sure all options are selected above.

Your cost estimate:

Below is your proposed service charge as reflected in the Draft Budget.

Service 2023/24 Cost 2024/25 Cost Change ($) Change (%)
{{line.qty}} x {{line.service}} ${{line.costOld}} ${{line.costNew}} ${{line.variance}} {{line.percentage}}%
TOTAL ${{estimate.totals.totalCostOld}} ${{estimate.totals.totalCostNew}} ${{estimate.totals.totalVariance}} {{estimate.totals.totalPercentage}}%
Disclaimer: This estimate is based on the information you’ve provided and should be accurate for most households. However, specific circumstances may lead to different costs. Please contact Council on 03 5832 9700 for situations not covered by this calculator.