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Emma O'Keeffe

Sports Hall of Fame Inductee

Category: Sports Hall of Fame

Sport: Sport Aerobics

Tonight we induct a new sport into the Hall of Fame in Sports Aerobics. Emma O’Keefe is the first person from Sports Aerobics to be honoured by the City.

Emma first experienced the sport whilst a student at Goulburn Valley Grammar. 

At 14 years of age Emma fell in love with Sports Aerobics and began to study the sport and watch the stars of the sport on Youtube. She was completely taken in by the athleticism, and she decided that she would do whatever she could to become successful in the sport. It was not an easy road ahead. Emma worked hard as she competed in the school team for 5 years and then took a break whilst she concentrated on her studies to become a Physical Education teacher.

When Emma returned to the sport she competed as an individual. She trained by herself and self-taught her skills using her own fitness knowledge. She would then gain great experience through the wonders of modern technology. She realised she would need professional help and through Facebook she came in contact with an amazing athlete and coach Cassie Scully from Coffs Harbour. Cassie coached Emma via video and gave her the knowledge she needed to progress in the sport. She slowly began to be recognised in the sport and was asked to join an elite fitness team in Geelong. This commitment meant that 3 times a week she would head to Geelong for training. The hard slog of travelling and having elite training paid off and she qualified with her team for the World Championships in 2011. The team finished 4th in the world which gave Emma a taste of what it was like to perform at World level. She decided to do all she could to be a successful solo competitor.

The hard work really started as she spent all her time building her strength and fitness in the hope of being able to qualify as an individual. Her number one priority and goal was to represent Australia as a soloist in the hardest category of the sport, the adult women.

She won the State title then defeated the other Australians and the New Zealanders in the New Zealand championships. It was then on to the Australian Championships where she gained a 4th place as a solo competitor but her trio team was placed 2nd which won her a place in the Australian team for the World titles in Europe. Emma finished 5th in the world and resolved to come home and work harder than ever to achieve her goal. She was fit and ready for the new season, she won the Victorian title and the New Zealand title which had her primed up for the Australian titles. Emma performed brilliantly and became an Australian champion. She was then off to Serbia for the 2013 world titles where she gained herself a ranking of number 6 in the world. A wonderful achievement considering her goal was to finish in the top 10. The following year a new section came about. A 5 member fitness team. Emma was asked to join that team with some of the best athletes in the world from the Mornington Peninsula. She knew if she said yes, she would be jeopardising her singles training with all the travel to her team, but it was an offer she couldn’t refuse. She wanted to become a world champion in the sport. She saw an opportunity and I took it. Emma travelled 3 times a week to Mornington. Her team won the state finals and the Australian championship title. They booked their ticket to Prague in the Czech Republic and had the tunnel vision to become world champions. Their training went from 3 times a week to 7 times. Emma trained by herself in a basketball stadium 4 days a week, and travelled to her team 3 days a week. The competition arrived and they were sitting in a comfortable 1st place after the preliminary round.  The Semi Finals came, again still sitting in 1st place.  The final round came, and they left nothing in the tank. They did it. In 2014 Emma O’Keefe   became a world champion. A moment she will hold so close to her heart for the rest of her life.

She had achieved her team dreams and goals, but she wasn’t done with her singles.

Since that world championship she has been a State champion 14 times, an Australian Champion 8 times, and competed in 7 World Championships.

Emma is in her 19th year in the sport, and is so glad that that 14 year old Goulburn Valley Grammar student believed in herself enough to aim for the highest goal. The sport still excites her and she will continue to compete in the sport she loves.

The City of Greater Shepparton says well done Emma and thanks you for the honour of bringing world titles to our City. We welcome Emma O’Keefe into the Shepparton Sports Hall of Fame.