Calder Woodburn Memorial Avenue Advisory Committee
Greater Shepparton City Council established the Calder Woodburn Memorial Avenue Advisory Committee to advocate for the future conservation of the Calder Woodburn Memorial Avenue.
The Memorial Avenue is of historic, aesthetic and social cultural heritage significance to the State of Victoria.
The Committee was established in accordance with the following Terms of Reference.
The role of the Advisory Committee is to:
- make recommendations to Council, VicRoads, Heritage Victoria and other agencies regarding the ongoing conservation of the Memorial Avenue and, if requested, give advice on specific issues;
- in making any recommendations, act consistently with the objectives of the Committee;
- assist Council in sourcing funding opportunities to maintain, enhance and conserve the Memorial Avenue;
- liaise with all relevant agencies to ensure appropriate ongoing conservation of the Memorial Avenue;
- seek to enhance and conserve the cultural heritage and environmental attributes of the Memorial Avenue; and
- disseminate the significance of the Memorial Avenue.
The membership of the Advisory Committee consists of:
- two (2) Councillors, being:
- one (1) representative from Greater Shepparton City Council (non-voting member); and
- one (1) representative from Strathbogie Shire Council (voting member);
- up to two (2) representatives from the Department of Transport (voting members);
- one (1) representative from the Greater Shepparton Heritage Advisory Committee (voting member);
- one (1) representative from the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (voting member);
- one (1) representative from the Goulburn Valley Environment Group (voting member);
- one (1) representative from the Shepparton RSL (voting member); and
- up to five (5) community representatives (voting members).
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 27 October 2022, Council resolved to adopt revised Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committee and to appoint community representatives to the Advisory Committee for a three year term from 28 October 2022 to 27 September 2025.
For more information please contact Council's Strategic Planning Team on 03 5832 9730.