List your event on our calendar

Adding your upcoming event to the Greater Shepparton City Council Events Calendar is easy, and it's free!

Fill in the form at the bottom of this page to send us the details of your event. An administrator will review your submission and if approved, your event will be added to our Calendar of Events, the Shepparton & Goulburn Valley website and other Council websites and applications.

Events are approved at the Administrator's discretion and are subject to the Events Calendar Terms and Conditions below. Your submitted content may be edited to ensure it meets our guidelines and style.

If you want to make changes to your event after you have submitted the form please email

Terms and conditions

This web page is used to submit events for inclusion in the Calendar of Events of the Greater Shepparton City Council website ("the Council calendar"), the Coming Events page of the Shepparton & Goulburn Valley website ("the Shepparton & Goulburn Valley calendar"), and other Council-run websites. The terms and conditions vary depending on the website, however this list gives a general overview of what will be considered for inclusion. 

To successfully submit your event for inclusion in the calendar, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions as set out below. These terms and conditions apply to all events placed on this site:

  • There are no charges associated with adding your event to the calendar.
  • The Council calendar is for the promotion of events that are considered "community", "not-for-profit", are Council-organised or have a Council partnership/sponsorship, held in the Greater Shepparton municipality. In accordance with Council's Website Policy, your event must not include advertising or preferential inclusion of a commercial organisation. For-profit or large-scale events may be accepted if there is broad community benefit and/or interest in the event, and while free events are preferred, a small entry fee is acceptable to cover costs.
  • Events that are aimed at marketing or promoting individual businesses may not be accepted for the Council calendar, even if they are free.
  • Events attracting visitors to the region (including those with a commercial interest) may be submitted for consideration to be published on the Shepparton & Goulburn Valley calendar, or other website calendars as deemed appropriate.
  • It is unlawful for an event advertiser to include discrimination on the basis of sex, pregnancy, age, race or political or religious beliefs unless covered by an exception or the event organiser has an exemption under relevant legislation. Council will not accept events listings that appear to be contrary to law and/or contain offensive material or unauthorised data.
  • The event advertiser indemnifies Council against all claims, actions, suits, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred on any account by Council as a result of the listing or intended listing of any event by that event organiser on this site or any related site.
  • Council makes every effort to avoid errors in events listings. However, Council accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors and requires that organisers check their events listing for errors as soon as they are placed on the site(s). Any errors may be edited by Council on the advice of the event organiser.
  • Your submitted event may be edited by Council prior to publishing to ensure it meets our guidelines and website style, improve readability, remove advertising or for any other reason. 
  • If your event is cancelled, postponed, rescheduled or otherwise altered in scope from your originally submitted details, it is your responsibility to inform Council so that the event listing can be updated accordingly.
  • It may take up to seven business days for Council to review and approve your event for publishing. Submissions will not be accepted more than 12 months in advance.
  • Council reserves the right to either accept, reject or remove any event listing from its site(s) for any reason whatsoever.
  • Council is not liable for any loss or damage incurred by an event organiser as a result of any failure or delay in listing an event.
  • Your event may also be published in print.

For the best chance of your event being accepted, please ensure your content is ready for publishing;

  • Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
  • Read the form instructions carefully.
  • Low-effort submissions that require significant editing/corrections may be rejected.