
For the convenience of visitors, workers and residents of Greater Shepparton, a combination of on-street parking as well as both private and public off-street car parks are available.
Council provides timed spaces to ensure everyone can access parking within easy walking distance to retailers, shops and services.
Infringement notices are issued when a vehicle has illegally overstayed a parking restriction or did not follow the parking restriction signs.
Paid parking
With some parking spaces, you need to pay a small fee using the nearby ticket meter machine, or using your phone. Parking ticket machines typically charge $1.50 per hour. Learn more about parking ticket machines.
Time limits
Time limits are necessary because they allow us to make sure everybody has a fair chance to find the right park for their purpose.
Time limits are shown on the kerbside signs and at the entrances to parking areas. The time limit applies to a section of road or a parking area and not just the bay in which you have parked. So, once the time limit has expired, you must move your vehicle out of that area. It’s not permissible to move your vehicle to another bay in the same area. You are also not allowed to simply put more coins in the meter.
Free off-street parking
Parking is free in all Council-owned off-street car parks only. Time limits and infringements will still apply. Free off-street parking does not apply to on-street parking, private car parks such as CarePark, GV Health and the Multi-deck car parks. Please view our parking map to find free off-street parking, all day and long stay car parking.
Free weekend parking
Parking is currently free on Saturday and Sunday (with the exception of the privately owned multi-deck car park), however time limits still apply and are enforced.
Parking permits
Business parking permits are available in a number of Council off-street car parks. Temporary parking bay reservation permits are also available for shot-term works.
Enquiries about parking permits should be directed to the Parking Department at the Council Offices in Welsford Street, Shepparton, or by phoning 03 5832 9700.
Long vehicle parking
Parking for over-sized vehicles in Shepparton is available in the following locations:
- 428 Wyndham Street (in front of Aldi) Google Map
- Rowe Street (behind SPC Factory Sales) Google Map
- North Street (opposite The Terminus carpark) Google Map
- Marungi Street (opposite the War Memorial) Google Map
- Nixon Street (adjacent Queens Gardens) Google Map
- SAM / Visitor Centre precinct:
- Fitzjohn Street Google Map
- Wyndham Street (lake side, north of the SAM building) Google Map
Other information for caravan and RV users can be found on our Caravan and RV Dump Points page or on the Shepparton & Goulburn Valley website.
Appealing a parking fine
Click here for information about how to appeal a parking fine.