Transport options
This section contains information on transport options available to residents and visitors.
Local buses, trains and coach
- Public Transport Victoria
Regional public transport information including local public buses
Ph: 131 638 - Vline
Inter-city train and coach services
Ph: 136 196 - Shepparton Transit
Shepparton local bus service
Ph: 03 5831 2150 - Mooroopna Transit
Mooroopna local bus service
03 5825 2323 - Travellers Aid Companion Service
Ph: 03 9654 2600 - Community Transport
Community Accessibility Inc.
03 5831 8515
Taxi services
- Shepparton Taxi
Ph: 131 008 - Greater Shepparton Taxi
Ph: 03 5822 2214 - Tatura Taxis
Ph: 03 5824 3444 - Nagambie Taxis
Ph: 0419 951 476 - Rushworth Taxis
Ph: 03 5856 1199
Carpooling is when two or more people travel together in one car to a common destination. It is well suited to work trips as there is a lot of traffic associated with travel to these sites.
Carpooling is flexible and can be used for one-off trips or on a regular basis. It is an easy and convenient way for people to make a more sustainable travel choice.