YRIPP – Youth Referral and Independent Person Program


Volunteer Independent Persons attend police interviews with young people less than 18 years at designated police stations around Victoria.

The Independent Person is there to protect the young person from the disadvantage inherent in their age and to ensure that the young person understands what is happening to them and why.


The Youth Referral and Independent Person Program (YRIPP) deliver a high quality system of adult volunteers called “Independent Persons”.

These volunteers attend police interviews with young people in police custody when a parent or guardian is not available.

YRIPP also seeks to divert young people from future offending through early intervention at the point of police contact.

Volunteer Purpose

The Independent Person is there to protect the young person from the disadvantage inherent in their age and to ensure that the young person understands what is happening to them and why.

The Independent person offers referrals to the young person with the aim of diverting the young person from further contact with the justice system.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Independent Person Shepparton or surrounds

Volunteer Coordinator

Linden Smith
Ph: 03 9340 3777