Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 23 April, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Major and Minor Events Grants - Round Two 2018-2019

Applications for the Greater Shepparton Major and Minor Event Grants program were considered at the April Ordinary Council Meeting last week.

Council resolved to allocate a total of 11 grants and $11,200 to the Greater Shepparton community via the program.

The event funding is only available to not-for-profit organisations or organisations that have successfully obtained an auspice, with applications assessed in two rounds annually.

The Large Events grant category applies to requests of $2,000-$5,000 for not-for-profit event organisers and community groups, while the Small Event grant category applies to requests of $500-$2,000.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe, thanked all the organisations who applied.

“There are so many fantastic events happening in our region,” she said.

“Council is very supportive of providing grant opportunities to event groups to help grow and diversify our region’s major events calendar.”

Cr O’Keeffe said more major events would lead to increased visitation, length of stay and economic yield, making our region a more attractive place to live and work.

“Council understands the hard work that goes on behind the scenes from committees and working groups to make these events happen, so we are very pleased to be able to offer these grants.”

A cross department assessment panel was formed to ensure there is a variety of backgrounds and knowledge in the assessment of applications.

Each application was assessed against criteria including economic impact, social benefit, environmental impact and the event budget.

Information sessions are hosted by Council each year to educate locals in regards to the funding opportunities that are available.



Allocation (excluding GST)

Goulburn Valley South Sudanese Community Association Inc

South Sudanese Independent Day Celebration


Valley Radio Flyers Inc

Shepparton Mammoth Scale Event


Shepparton Swimming Club

Shepparton Aqua Carnival


Shepparton Malayalee Association

Shema Vishu Festival Celebration


Dookie and District Development Forum

2019 Dookie Community Olde Time Ball


Goulburn Valley Gamers Guild Inc

Shepparton Con


G V Rail Club

2019 Shepparton Model

Rail Exhibition


Victorian All Welsh Show

Victorian All Welsh Show



Shepparton Runners Club

2019 Shepparton Running



Victorian Futurity Cutting Club

4CYTE Victorian Futurity Cutting Club


Military History Group Inc

Dookie Military Vehicle Rally


Total: $10.500 (excluding GST)


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