Council Registration for Dogs and Cats

Greater Shepparton City Council encourages responsible pet ownership.

All dog and cat owners are required to register their animals with Council (if the animals are over three months of age) and to renew their registration by 10 April each year.

Note: Where the owner of a dog/cat is under the age of 18 years, the parent or guardian of that owner will be deemed the legal owner of the dog/cat.

Benefits of registration

Registering your dog or cat greatly improves their chances of being returned to you if they become lost, and assists Council and the State Government to provide a wide range of animal management services to the community.

Registration fees provide a whole range of other important services too - as a minimum you will get:

  • An individual Council identification marker for your pet to wear.
  • Lost and found service - a guarantee that if your pet is found wearing the registration tag you will be notified.
  • Council services to respond to calls about wandering dogs or dog attacks. This includes the removal of aggressive dogs from the streets.
  • Council services to assist in dealing with nuisance problems such as wandering animals and barking dogs.
  • Council control of "dangerous", "menacing" and "restricted breed" dogs in your area.
  • Council monitoring of pet shops, boarding kennels, catteries, pounds, shelters and breeding and training businesses.
  • A State Government education program for schools in Victoria.
  • State Government research into dog and cat welfare and control issues.

For more information on the benefits of Council Registration please visit the Agriculture Victoria website.

Who can register a dog or cat?

Only the owner of the animal or an ‘agent of the owner’ can register an animal with Council. An owner is a person or an organisation that has the animal in his or her care.

Where the owner of a dog/cat is under the age of 18 years, the parent or guardian of that owner will be deemed the legal owner of the dog/cat.

If an ‘agent of the owner’ is to register an animal on behalf of the owner, the following documentation is required:

  • letter or statutory declaration signed by the owner advising that the agent is able to register the animal on the owners behalf; or
  • power of attorney documentation stating that the person has the power to make legal decisions (not medical power of attorney).

Registration process

To register a dog or cat, the owner must complete an animal registration form, including signing the declaration and attach evidence as required of the following:

Once the paperwork has been completed, submit your application, relevant attachments and pay your animal registration fee at one of the following locations:

Council offices
90 Welsford Street Shepparton
8:15am - 5pm, Monday to Friday

Shepparton Animal Shelter
125 Wanganui Road Shepparton
Refer to Shepparton Animal Shelter page for opening hours.

If the application is approved and payment completed, a Council Registration tag will be issued. It is a requirement by law that your dog or cat wears its Council registration tag on its collar. If you have difficulty attaching your animal's tag to its collar, please contact Council.

Registration form

Basic animal registrations can now be submitted online. This applies only to cats or dogs that have been microchipped and do not fall under the following exceptions for online registration. View exceptions

Exceptions for online registration

  • Microchipped & Under 6 months of age
    Dogs and Cats that are both Microchipped and Desexed, for animals that are under 6 months of age (first registration period only).
  • Animal Shelter or Pound Adoption
    All animals adopted from an Animal Shelter or Council Pound that is a Registered Domestic Animal Business with a Victorian Council will receive a reduced fee for the initial registration period only, if the animal is registered within 28 days of adoption. Written evidence of date of adoption, adoption agency details, microchipping and desexing must be provided. (first registration period only).
  • Transfer from another Council
    If you have just moved into Greater Shepparton and your animal is currently registered at another Victorian Council at your previous address.
  • Foster Care
    Dog or cat that is currently in foster care with a registered foster carer. (first registration period only).
  • Domestic Animal Business 
    Dog or cat kept for breeding by the proprietor of a domestic animal business conducted on a registered premise.
  • Applicable organisation (eg: Dogs Victoria)
    Dog or cat registered with an applicable organisation, if the owner is a member of the applicable organisation with which the animal is registered.
  • Microchip Exemption
    Dog or cat that is exempt under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 Part 2 10D from being microchipped.
  • Working Dog
    Dog kept or used as or being trained to be farm working dogs.
  • Obedience Trained 
    Dog that has undergone dog obedience training provided by or on behalf of an approved dog obedience training organisation.
  • Game Management 
    Dog that is permanently identified in the prescribed manner (Game Management Authority).
  • Guard dog 
    Dog that is kept as a Guard dog on non-residential premise.
  • Declared Dog
    Dog that has been declared a Dangerous dog, Menacing Dog or Restricted Breed dog in any state or territory and/or undergone attack training.

If you wish to apply for one of these animal registration classes, please see below for the correct procedure.

Excepted Cat and Dog Registration Applications

If you wish to apply for one of the animal registration classes not accepted for online registrations, please complete the PDF form below and present in person with your payment and all required documentation to Council's Offices at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton. 

Registration fees

Animal Registration Fees include the State Government Levy.

Reduced Fees do not apply to a Declared Dangerous, Menacing or Restricted Breed dog

Fees (2025-2026) Dogs Cats
Under 6 months old (initial registration only) Free Free
Maximum $150 $150
Maximum (pensioner) $75 $75
Reduced fee* $50 $50
Reduced fee* (pensioner) $25 $25
Declared dog (Dangerous - guard dog)** $150  
Declared dog (Dangerous, menacing, restricted breed)** $320  
Animal shelter or pound adoption (initial registration only, conditions apply) $8 $8
Foster Care (initial registration only, conditions apply) $8 $8
New Registration Tag $10 $10

* Conditions apply - see below.

** Declared Dogs: Dogs declared Dangerous (Guard dog), Dangerous Menacing or restricted breed are not entitled to any discount or other category of registration.

Reduced registration fee

A reduced registration fee may apply if your animal meets one of the below criteria, if you're eligible for pensioner discounts, or if you're eligible for voluntary foster care discounts. Sufficient evidence must be provided to Council as required.


The following animals are eligible for a reduced registration fee:

The full registration fee applies to any dogs that do not match one of the above criteria, and also applies to dangerous dogs, menacing dogs, and restricted breed dogs.


The following animals are eligible for a reduced registration fee:

The full registration fee applies to any cats that do not match one of the above criteria.

Animals under 6 months old or over 10 years old

If your dog or cat is under 6 months old, it is eligible for free registration (for the initial registration period only).

Animals that are under 6 months of age are FREE to register if you submit your Animal Registration Application via mail, email or at the Council Offices ONLY. Owners must apply by completing and submitting the following forms:

  • Animal registration application form
  • Microchip certificate (in the name of the owner)
  • Desexing certificate

Applications made online will incur a Registration fee and refunds are unable to be provided if you proceed with an online registration application.

If your dog or cat is over 10 years old, it is eligible for a reduced registration fee.

You will need to provide evidence of your animal's age. Documentation can include:

  • veterinary documentation, or
  • adoption or purchase documentation, or
  • microchip certificate.

Guide dogs, seeing eye dogs and assistance dogs

The rules around guide dogs, seeing eye dogs and assistance dogs are available on Agriculture Victoria's Assistance Dogs page.

Under section 7 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, Guide dogs and seeing eye dogs are eligible for free registration with Council. Owners can apply for free registration by submitting their application along with evidence of the dog being trained by a relevant organisation.

On 21 December 2023, a Governor in Council Order was published under the DA Act to exempt assistance dogs from council pet registration fees, provided certain eligibility criteria are met.

To be eligible for a registration fee exemption, the owner of an assistance dog is required to make an application to Council, in the council approved form, providing reasonable evidence that:

  • the applicant has a disability that necessitates an assistance dog
  • the assistance dog has been trained to alleviate the effect(s) of the disability (as per the definition of assistance dog under Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (EO Act))
  • the assistance dog has completed obedience training, as defined in the GiC Order
  • the assistance dog is at least 12-months old
  • the assistance dog is microchipped
  • the assistance dog is desexed.

An applicant is not eligible for free registration of their assistance dog if:

  • not all eligibility criteria are satisfied
  • the applicant has been found guilty of two or more offences under the DA Act with respect to the same assistance dog
  • the assistance dog has been declared menacing or dangerous
  • the assistance dog is a restricted breed dog.

For more information, please visit Agriculture Victoria's Assistance Dog Registration Scheme page.

Once a Council registration application has been submitted, the application will be reviewed by the Animal Management department. This process may take up to 28 days and applicants will be notified of the decision.

Approved obedience training organisations

If your dog has undergone obedience training with an approved obedience training organisation, you may be eligible for a reduced registration rate.

To receive a reduced rate, a certificate showing that your animal has completed the training course is required. Organisations defined as approved obedience training organisations by the Minister for Agriculture can be found at the link below:

Obedience Training Organisations

Please note that not all Dog Training Establishments are "Approved Training Organisations". For more info, please visit Agriculture Victoria's Obedience Training page.

Working dogs for livestock

The Domestic Animals Act 1994 defines a farm working dog as a dog that herds, droves, protects, tends or works stock on land used solely or primarily for primary production. The dog owner’s income must be primarily generated from primary production. Primary production is defined as the maintenance of animals or poultry for the purposes of selling them or their natural increase of bodily produce.

A primary producer is defined as someone whose primary source of income is generated from primary production as per the land tax definition, specifically in relation to animal production.

To determine if your dog is a farm working dog, please answer the following questions:

Dog ownership criteria:

  1. Are you, or are you contracted by, a primary producer?
  2. Is your main source of income generated from primary production?

Please note: Primary production is defined as the maintenance of animals or poultry for the purpose of selling them or their natural increase or bodily produce under section 3 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

If you answered NO to either of these questions, your dog does not qualify as a working dog.

Farm working dog criteria:

  1. Does your dog herd, drove, protect, tend or work stock?
  2. Does your dog work (as per the definition below) on land used mainly for primary production?

Please note: Farm working dog means a dog that herds, droves, protects, tends or works stock on land used solely or primarily for primary production under section 3 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

If you answered NO to either of these questions, your dog does not qualify as a working dog. 

Owners of working dog breeds that do not meet the primary producer and farm working dog definitions are not eligible for legislative exemptions.

Council is responsible for determining if a dog is a farm working dog, as per the definition. Please complete and submit an Animal Registration form along with proof of microchipping and a completed Application for Working Dog Status statutory declaration. Please note: By signing a statutory declaration, you agree that the information you have provided is true and correct. You can be liable to the penalties of perjury if the statutory declaration is false.

Your application will then be assessed to determine if your dog meets the Working dog criteria. If approved by Council, farm working dogs:

  • receive a reduced registration rate with council;
  • do not count towards a property’s fertile female dog breeding limit; and
  • are not required to wear an identification marker outside of the premises if being kept or used or trained as a farm working doing, including when it is going from place to place for that purpose.

For more information, please visit Agriculture Victoria's Working Dogs page.

Applicable organisations

Owners of dogs and cats are entitled to a reduced animal registration rate if:

  • the owner is a member of an applicable organisation; and
  • the animal is registered with an applicable organisation under the owners name.

Evidence of membership and the animal's pedigree certificate with the owner's name is required to be supplied each year to receive the reduced rate.

The following are ‘applicable organisations’: (current as of 20 September 2022)

For more information on applicable organisations, please visit the Agriculture Victoria website.

Domestic animal businesses

The owner of a domestic animal business that is registered with Council can apply for a reduced registration rate for the animals kept as part of the business. For more information, please contact Council.

Dangerous, menacing and restricted breed dogs

If your dog has been declared a Dangerous, Menacing or Restricted Breed dog, the law states that your animal registration fee is the full fee and cannot be reduced. The registration fee assists Council to conduct the inspections required under the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

Pensioner discount

Council will waive 50% of a registration fee, if the person:

  • is an eligible recipient within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004; and
  • has completed and given to the Council an application for such a waiver in the form approved by the Council.

Concessions do not apply to declared dangerous, menacing or restricted breed dogs.

The following cardholders are eligible for pensioner rate concession for Animal Registrations:

Department of Human Services (Centrelink)

  • Pensioner Concession Card

Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)

  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • DVA Gold Repatriation Health Card - TPI
  • DVA Gold Repatriation Health Card - War Widow

Voluntary foster carer discount

Under current Victorian law, foster carers must register all foster animals (over three months of age) housed at their premises with Council, even if the animal is in their care for a short period of time.

Individual foster carers may apply to Council to be a registered foster carer as part of a voluntary scheme, with registration valid for one year.

Voluntarily registered foster carers will receive:

  • a reduced registration rate of no more than $8 for each dog they foster during the first 12 months the dog is in their care
  • a reduced registration rate of no more than $8 for each cat they foster during the first 12 months the cat is in their care
  • the ability to supply dogs six months of age or older, and cats eight weeks of age or older to pet shops as of 1 July 2018 to enhance foster animal exposure and sale opportunities.

If approval is granted to join the scheme, Council will issue a certificate that will need to be provided to:

  • register a dog or cat with Council; or
  • to demonstrate to a pet shop that you are an approved source and are eligible to supply cats and dogs.

For more information or for an application form, visit our page about the Foster Care Registration Scheme.

Registration renewal

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, animal registrations must be renewed annually prior to 10 April each year. It is the owners’ responsibility to renew their animal’s registration prior to 10 April. To assist in the renewal process, Council issues annual renewal notices with various payment options.

Renewal payments can be made over the counter at Council offices, the Shepparton Animal Shelter, or via BPay.

Updating your animal's registration details

If you own an animal, it is essential that you keep your animal's registration details up to date at all times. If the details are kept up to date, Council officers are able to contact you if your pet is found wandering, in the event of an emergency or if there is a concern regarding your animal. It also allows Council to send any required correspondence including the renewal reminder notices.

To update your details, please contact Council in writing via post or email.

Greater Shepparton City Council
Animal Registration,
PO Box 1000, Shepparton


Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, it is compulsory that all new applications to register a dog or cat include evidence that the animal has been implanted with a microchip. Microchips can be implanted by your local vet.

A microchip is not required to be supplied if the animal has been registered with Greater Shepparton City Council prior to 11 April 2013 and continues to remain registered. However it is recommended to have your animal microchipped and supply the details to Council to ensure we are able to contact you if your pet becomes lost.

For more information please visit the Microchipping page.


If you aren't going to breed from your cat or dog, please have him/her desexed as soon as possible, as cats and dogs can begin to breed from an early age. You are less likely to forget to desex your pet if you have it done as soon as the cat or dog is purchased or obtained.

More information about desexing is available on our Desexing page.


Greater Shepparton City Council, as of April 2008, requires ALL cats within the Municipal District to be desexed prior to registration unless exempt under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 Part 2 10B.


To be eligible for a reduced registration fee for dog registration, your dog must be desexed and microchipped. Greater Shepparton City Council will register an undesexed dog that is microchipped, however the full registration fee will apply. Proof of desexing and microchipping is required at time of registering dog to receive the reduced fee.

Multiple dogs and cats

Under the Council’s Community Living Local Law No 1, it is an offence to keep more than 2 dogs or 2 cats on any one property in a residential or commercial area, or more than 4 dogs or 4 cats on land of less than 2 hectares (4.94 acres) in a farming zone, without a permit.

For more information, see our page about Keeping Animals.

State Government levy

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, Council is required to pay the State Government $4.51 for every dog and cat registration fee and $20 for every domestic animal business registration during the 2025-2026 financial year. This levy is currently included in your animal registration fee and the domestic animal business registration fee.

For more information, please visit the Agriculture Victoria's State Government Levy page.

What happens if I don’t register my animal?

If you own a dog or cat that is over 3 months of age and do not register your animal with the local council where it is kept, you are committing an offence under state law and infringements and/or court action may be taken against you. Please ensure that you register your animal and renew the registration before 10 April each year.

Legislation and penalties

The Domestic Animals Act 1994, requires that owners of a dog and cat over the age of three months register the animal with the municipal district in which the dog or cat is kept.

The owner of a dog or cat which is registered must apply for renewal of the registration of that dog or cat with the Council of the municipal district in which the dog or cat is kept, before the expiration of the current registration.

The state legislation also outlines the requirements for animal registration. For a copy of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, please visit the Legislation Victoria website.

Penalties apply for failing to register or renew the registration of a dog or cat. On-the-spot infringements may be issued or legal action commenced if an animal is found to be unregistered.

Notice to comply

If a Council Officer has contacted you regarding an unregistered animal, or if you have received a Notice to Comply, please ensure that you follow the compliance details by the specified date. If you are unable to complete the request within the time specified please call the Council Officer as soon as possible before the due date. Failure to comply may result in infringements and/or legal action.


Local Laws and Animal Management Department
Phone: (03) 5832 9700

Agriculture Victoria Legislation Victoria