AFL Goulburn Murray
To collaborate with all affiliated leagues and clubs to strengthen community football and netball, increase participation and ensure long-term sustainability.
To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through leadership, governance and strategic direction.
Volunteer Opportunities & How to Become a Volunteer
Volunteer in Local Footy EOI: There are various roles in the club that require community volunteers to help them run – this might include: committee roles, event help, club support roles, match day roles etc.
Clubs Affiliated with AFL Goulburn Murray
Goulburn Valley League (GVL), Murray League (ML), Kyabram District League (KDL), Goulburn Murray Women & Girls (GMW&G), Goulburn Murray Junior League (GMJL), Goulburn Valley Umpire Association (GMUA).
Sam Monaghan – Club Development Lead
Phone: 0407 147 563