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Sydney Writers' Festival at Shepparton Library - Barrie Cassidy and Friends: State of the Nation

Relive all the thrills and spills of the year in Australian politics with veteran journo Barrie Cassidy and his hand-picked squad of the country’s sharpest pundits: Bridget Brennan, Amy Remeikis, Niki Savva and Laura Tingle.

Sunday 26th of May, 2024, at 10:00am to 11:00am
Shepparton Library, 41-43 Marungi Street, Shepparton
Shepparton Library on 1300 374 765 or

Sydney Writers Festival's Live & Local program offers a free livestream of Festival sessions. Join us to experience the largest celebration of books, ideas and authors in Australia, all from the comfort of your local library.

Refreshments provided.

Bookings via Eventbrite essential.


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