Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 31 January, 2024. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Complimentary parking concludes 31 January

Greater Shepparton City Council would like remind visitors and shoppers to the Shepparton central business district that complimentary car parking in on-street car parks concludes on Wednesday 31 January 2024. Council-owned off-street car parks will remain complimentary and timed.

From Thursday 1 February, paid parking for on-street car parks will resume and infringements will be issued for failure to pay and exceeding time limits.

Parking in off-street Council owned car parks will remain complimentary but time limits will still apply. If you are planning to stay in the CBD for several hours it is recommended you park in an all-day space or move your car to a new zone before the time limit expires.

You do not have to pay for parking in Council on-street carparks on Saturdays and Sundays, but time limits and infringements still apply.  

The PayStay app is the easiest and most efficient way to pay for parking in Shepparton. PayStay is simple to use. Download the app to your smart phone and make sure you activate payment before you leave your vehicle. The app can locate the zone you are in. Once you have located the zone and selected the registration for the vehicle you are in, press ‘next’ and confirm you want to start parking. When you return to your car, press the red ‘stop parking’ button on the PayStay app.

The app can also show you where parking is located. If you select ‘map’ you can see where the parking is, how many bays there are and how long you can park for. You can also add other vehicles to your account, check your history and use an active PayStay session anywhere in the CBD.


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