Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 22 April, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council to implement free timed off-street car parking in Shepparton CBD post-COVID-19 pandemic

Greater Shepparton City Council resolved to provide free timed off-street car parking in the Shepparton CBD at last night’s Ordinary Council Meeting, to be implemented post the COVID-19 pandemic.

The provision of free timed off-street parking will apply to more than 400 car parking spaces within seven Council-owned car parks in the Shepparton CBD. This will result in economic and social benefits, encouraging visitors to undertake business in the CBD, while improving the CBD experience by not having to pay for parking at these parks.

Free timed off-street parking will further encourage visitors to spend more time shopping and dining, and accessing medical and educational facilities in the CBD.

The implementation of free timed off-street parking follows Council’s complimentary parking initiative during the 2019/20 December–January Christmas holiday period. The results from surveys conducted by Council and the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry indicated broad public and trader support for free parking.

In response to support for a CBD free parking option, Council evaluated multiple avenues; however, it was considered free timed off-street car parking will provide a balanced approach in terms of the economic impact to Council business, while providing benefits to the community.

It is estimated the changes to the parking regime will reduce Council revenue by $250,000 per annum. It is yet-to-be-determined how this initiative will be funded via Council’s budget. Revenue from the parking regime is critical in financing CBD streetscape work, activation and promotion of the CBD, renewal of parking machine meters and general administration of the parking program as well as subsidising the school crossing supervisor program. 

The free timed off-street parking will be implemented post the COVID-19 pandemic. It would be inappropriate at this time to encourage the public to congregate in the CBD in light of state and federal government social distancing requirements aimed to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 virus and save lives. Hence, there will be no changes to the current car parking regime in the CBD at this time, with visitors needing to continue to pay for parking in these areas and abide by timing requirements.

Council will clearly communicate when free timed off-street parking is to be implemented.

“Paid CBD parking has been a long-term contentious issue for Council and we are pleased to provide a solution that is a win-win for all stakeholders, whether it’s shoppers, our traders or Council,” Mayor Cr Seema Abdullah said.

“While this will not come into effect immediately, it is anticipated that free timed off-street parking in Council-owned car parks will assist in encouraging people back into the CBD when the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

“With input from key business and community groups and CBD visitors, we have taken all the points raised in this discussion into consideration and believe that we have come-up with a balanced solution that will assist in driving results for those who operate in our CBD. We look forward to announcing the introduction of CBD free timed off-street parking in the future.”


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