Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 23 December, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Major sporting events an economic boom for Greater Shepparton

Greater Shepparton City Council’s 51 Days of Major Sporting Events campaign has seen a significant economic boost for the region, with more than 20,000 visitors and $8m injected into the local economy.

The campaign saw 12 state, national and international events hosted in Greater Shepparton from October until early December.

 A number of highlights of the events included;

  • Record numbers for the Victorian Open Bowls with 1248 entries across the seven day competition;
  • The highest number of team entries for the Greater Shepparton basketball tournament with 168 teams;
  • A record 106 teams, 1200 players and 16 soccer fields used for the Australian Football Skools International Championships
  • The highest number of vehicle entries at Spring Car Nationals for 10 years;
  • 812 entries for the BMX state titles with visitors from five states; and
  • Five weekends of sold out accommodation

Greater Shepparton Mayor, Cr Dinny Adem said Council would build on these outcomes in 2016, with many more major events already announced.

“Next year is shaping to be a big year for major events with around 15 new events already secured for the city including the Tennis Seniors Australian Teams Carnival and Individual Championships in January, February’s BMX Australia Nationals Series and March’s blockbuster weekend that includes an AFL NAB Challenge game between Essendon and Geelong and netball preseason match between Melbourne Vixens and Adelaide Thunderbirds,” Cr Adem said.

“Council strives to attract the biggest and best events to Greater Shepparton boosting employment, tourism, entertainment and liveability for our community. Our teams are working hard creating jobs, keeping business busy and the economy strong”

“Our investment in sporting infrastructure is assisting us to become a leading sporting event destination not just in regional Victoria but Australia.”


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