Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 23 January, 2024. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Murchison Men’s Shed ready for the new year in their new shed

Murchison Men’s Shed members are looking forward to another successful year, with the group now more than six months on from the opening of their newly developed space.

Murchison Men’s Shed received funding from the Victorian State Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) to develop their new site. The new building has since been brought to life through the passion of members and there is no looking back.

The site enables the community to have more than just a new shed, it is a location that can contribute to the wellbeing of its members and the broader community.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said Council was pleased to see the positive response from the community for the new facilities and how it had helped ignite a new passion in the Men’s Shed members.

“We are so thankful for groups like the Murchison Men’s Shed who bring many valuable and far-reaching benefits, to not only to the members, but the wider community,” he said.

“It is fantastic to see the positive difference which the new shed has already made. I look forward to seeing many new projects held in the space, and many more positive relationships formed over the coming years.”

Murchison Men’s Shed President, Dennis McCullagh, said the new space had been a game changer for the group.

“We have been able to move from a 22 square metre space to the new shed of 288 square metres. It is a great improvement with a lot more room for our members to relax and enjoy the facilities,” he said.

“The increased size brings with it room for local men to work on community projects, make new friends, hold information talks on men’s health, and to learn new skills in a safe and friendly environment.”

Find out more about the Murchison Men’s Shed.


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