Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 5 July, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Shepparton traffic improvements

The Victorian School Building Authority, the Department of Education and Training, and Regional Roads Victoria have been working collaboratively with Greater Shepparton City Council on many aspects of Greater Shepparton Secondary College, since building commenced last year.

The steady growth of Shepparton over the past decade, as well as proposed major residential developments including the Shepparton North East Precinct, along with current and future upgrades to Goulburn Valley Health, and the Greater Shepparton Secondary College, require appropriate traffic planning and management.

“Council has been working with a number of government agencies to plan for the increased traffic movements from new residential developments and other developments including the hospital and College,” Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe said.

“There is a range of immediate works that will be implemented to enhance the capacity of the road network to cater for parking and traffic flow, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the College. However, it is anticipated that further works may be required in the coming years.”

Council will continue meeting with the various agencies to monitor the effectiveness of the initial treatments and determine future infrastructure requirements to provide a safe and efficient network for students and road users after the new school opens in 2022.

Cr O’Keeffe said working closely with the relevant agencies provides Council and Regional Roads Victoria valuable information for future infrastructure requirements to cater for the changed traffic flow.

“The Federal and State Government funding for the upgrade of the intersection of Knight and Hawdon Streets was greatly appreciated and will provide significant improvements for access to the Greater Shepparton Secondary College and developments to the north of Shepparton,” she said.

Council is continuing to work collaboratively with government agencies to ensure appropriate measures are implemented for traffic management in this area as soon as is practicable.


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