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3630 Concrete Jungle Skate Competition 2019

Win huge prizes by showing off your skating, BMX or scoot skills, or just come along and check out the action!

Saturday 5th of October, 2019, at 10:00am to 4:00pm
Shepparton Skate Park, Victoria Park Lake, Wyndham Street, Shepparton
$1 Donation Competitors Fee - Register on the day
Jessica Baccchetto on (03) 5832 9779

Open Skate Heat: First Prize $500
Open BMX Heat: First Prize $500
Open Scooter Heat: First Prize $500

Additional prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.

Start Times

Scoot: 10:00am - Categories: Under 16 and All Ages

BMX: 12.00pm - Categories: Under 16 and All Ages

Skate: 2.00pm -  Categories: Under 16 and All Ages

Both girls and boys are welcome in all categories.

All riders under 18 MUST have a waiver signed by a parent.

Proudly run by Greater Shepparton City Council, Headspace Shepparton,  MC Renton Millar and the Shepparton Skate Park Riders Young Adults Committee


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