Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 21 April, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council launches FREE web-based Maternal and Child Health sessions

Greater Shepparton City Council will commence online Maternal and Child Health (MCH) information sessions and parents groups to continue to support families under State and Federal Government COVID-19 restrictions.

The sessions, which will be offered via Zoom, will be aimed at supporting local families with young children.

The new parent sessions will be offered on a number of occasions throughout the week, and will run for four weeks. Spots in these sessions will be limited. Please speak with your MCH Nurse or call MCH Administration on 5832 9312 (8.30am-4pm) to book into a new parents group.

Information sessions will also be offered via Zoom on Fridays from 1.30pm.

The topic of these information sessions will change weekly, with the first session to be offered this Friday 24 April.

This week’s sessions will give vital information on ‘Sleep and Settling’, while next week’s session will target ‘Introduction to Solids’. Places will be limited in these sessions, so please contact your MCH Nurse or call MCH Administration on the number above to book.

“Council is keen to continue providing  much needed support and advise to our families, and has had to be flexible with how it does this throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” Director Community Kaye Thomson said.

“We want to continue to support families in Greater Shepparton, and especially those with young children. We encourage you to contact your MCH Nurse or MCH Administration for more information.”

The sessions will be conducted by a Trained Group Facilitator. The sessions will be held via Zoom which means computer and data access will be required.

The arrangements are subject to change depending on uptake, and will be updated as often as required.


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