Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 18 October, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Help Council develop a long term Master Plan for the Tatura Sports Precinct

Greater Shepparton City Council is calling for those with an interest in the development of the Tatura Sports, Events and Community Precinct Master Plan to have their say on the future of the facility at an information session on Monday 28 October 2019.

Council is running a joint information session covering general issues and discussions with residence surrounding the precinct and the precinct master plan and is seeking ideas and feedback from the community. This is an opportunity for those who want to help shape what happens at the precinct to provide their thoughts and ideas.

The project aims to set and agree the vision for development at the site. The Master Plan that is developed will consider the aspirations of clubs and groups currently based in the precinct and the broader needs of the Tatura and Greater Shepparton community.

The Tatura Precinct is the home to many sporting clubs, community groups and events including Tatura Football Netball Club, Tatura Netball Association, Tatura Bowls Club, Tatura Lawn Tennis Club, Tatura Amateur Basketball Association, Tatura Cricket Club, Tatura Soccer Club, Tatura Junior Soccer Club, Scouts, Girl Guides, Italian Social Club, International Dairy Week, as well as a multitude of horse events.

The master plan will consider:

  • Open space and natural environments
  • Linkages and connections between the precinct and the surrounding area
  • The current and future demographic profile of the surrounding community
  • Formal and informal sport and recreation participation trends and needs
  • Strengths and limitations of the existing facilities including the age, condition and single purpose nature of the facilities and the opportunity to develop multi use facilities
  • Vehicle and pedestrian movement in and around the precinct
  • Major event capabilities, limitations and opportunities
  • Use and management of the Precinct
  • Any other issues and opportunities arising from research and consultation.

Anyone interested in having their say can attend the information session which also includes general discussions for the area on Monday 28 October 2019 from 5.00 to 6.30pm at the Wilson Hall, Tatura Park.


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