Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 10 October, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Spring into action for Aussie Bird Count during National Bird Week

Greater Shepparton City Council is encouraging all residents to take part in BirdLife Australia’s Aussie Backyard Bird Count from 23-29 October 2017 and help discover which birds share our local backyards and outdoor spaces.

Homeowners, renters and visitors, with and without backyards, are encouraged to become citizen scientists for the week and join BirdLife Australia in counting 1.5 million birds in seven days.

Residents can count anywhere they can see birds — backyards, schoolyards, parks, botanic gardens — at any time during the week and as many times as they like. With exceptional avifauna on offer in our local area, you might like to head along to one of our great local bird watching spots, the Goulburn or Broken Rivers, Reedy Swamp, Gemmill Swamp, Tassicker Reserve, Victoria Park Lake or the Australian Botanic, to take part in the Count.

Once counts have been submitted, locals will be able to see the number of birds and species being counted nearby and right across Australia, with real-time updates on the Aussie Backyard Bird Count app and website.

“It’s wonderful to have the support Greater Shepparton City Council for this year’s Aussie Backyard Bird Count. After three years of counting, we are now starting to learn more about local bird populations across Australia,” said Paul Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer of BirdLife Australia.

Last year more than 1.4 million birds, including the colourful Rainbow Lorikeet, which has led the national tally for three consecutive years, were spotted in backyards across the country. BirdLife Australia is encouraging more people to get involved this year to learn about their local birdlife during National Bird Week, 23-29 October.

To take part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count, all you need is 20 minutes, the Aussie Bird Count app or website

Join one of Australia’s largest citizen science projects at or join the conversation with #AussieBirdCount


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