Our Community Calendar

Greater Shepparton City Council is committed to fostering cultural celebration and engagement of our diverse community and annually develops a calendar of culturally significant dates. 

The calendars are distributed to staff, service providers and the community.

The calendar assists Council and other organisations to be aware of culturally significant occasions when planning programs and events and allows all to learn about each other’s culture.

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Significant dates

See below for just some of the cultural events and significant days on Council's annual calendar. 

Cultural Diversity Week

Diversity Week occurs in March each year to celebrate the cultural diversity which makes up our country and local communities. A variety of events occur during this week throughout Greater Shepparton to celebrate our rich cultural diversity.

Harmony Day

Harmony Day celebrates the cohesive and inclusive nature of Australia and promotes a tolerant and culturally diverse society.

Harmony Day is on 21 March and is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home, it celebrates the cohesive and inclusive nature of our Country. Harmony Day began in 1999 as a way to promote a tolerant and culturally diverse society and is an opportunity for everyone to come together and participate in local activities. Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Day, wearing orange clothing and/or the distinctive orange ribbon is a great way to show support for cultural diversity within the community and Australia.

Converge on the Goulburn

Converge on the Goulburn is an annual family friendly event that provides an opportunity for cross cultural sharing, celebration and connection for the community. It’s a chance for all of Greater Shepparton’s communities to showcase their culture and talents including music and dance as well as traditional foods and crafts.

Refugee Week

Refugee Week is always held from Sunday to Saturday of the week which includes the June World Refugee Day. Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and to celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society.