Contact Council

The Customer Service call centre is open Monday to Friday from 8.15am to 5.00pm.

The Customer Service payment counter in Welsford Street, Shepparton, is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.00pm.

Our staff assist with hundreds of enquiries each day so you may experience a delay. We respectfully ask for your patience and where possible that you interact via the website, email or by phone (details below).

Report an issue online

Many things can be reported via our online system, including pot-holes, trees requiring maintenance, lost animals, damage to Council property, and more.

Report an Issue
Note: Not monitored outside business hours.

Reporting urgent issues or hazards

To report urgent issues or hazards, please phone (03) 5832 9700.

Council offers an emergency after hours ranger service to deal with Animal Management, Local Laws and other Council-related emergencies.

For Police, Ambulance, Fire or any life-threatening emergencies,  call "000". 

For flood or storm emergencies call the Victorian SES on 132 500.

Online / via email

For general, non-urgent/non-hazard enquiries only.
For reporting urgent hazards or issues, please call Council on (03) 5832 9700.

Email or use our online contact form below.

* Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

We get a lot of automated junk mail (spam), so we require you to pass this quick test before submitting.


You can contact Council by phone or email between 8.15am-5pm Monday-Friday. 

Phone: (03) 5832 9700
SMS: 0427 767 846*

* Please note, this is not an out-of-hours mobile SMS number, or a callable mobile number. During business hours, SMS should only be used for general, non-urgent/non-hazard enquires only. For reporting urgent hazards or issues, please call Council on (03) 5832 9700. Messages sent to the SMS number will be forwarded to Council via email and responded to during business hours only. Only text messages are supported - please do not send images via SMS; they will not be received.

Council offers an emergency after hours ranger service to deal with Animal Management and Local Laws emergencies. Please contact Council on (03) 5832 9700 for more details.

National Relay Service

Greater Shepparton City Council is Relay Service Friendly

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service:

  1. Contact us through the National Relay Service call number. For TTY users, this is 133 677 (Visit the NRS website for a list of all the numbers and access points you need for making a relay call.)
  2. Ask for the number you want to call: Council's number is (03) 5832 9700

For more information, visit the National Relay Service website.

Pay over the phone

Council has an automated phone service that allows you to make certain payments over the phone.

Call 1300 181 761, then:

  • Press 1 for Animal Registration Renewal payments
  • Press 2 for Application payments
  • Press 3 for Debtor payments
  • Press 4 for Licensing payments
  • Press 5 for Rates payments
    It will ask for a 6 digit customer reference number. If yours has fewer digits, just add zeroes to the start of the number.
  • Press 6 for Parking Infringement payments
  • Press 7 for other infringements including Animals, Health, and Local Laws

After selecting the appropriate number, you'll be asked to enter the relevant details, such as a customer reference number or animal reference number. It will explain where you can find the reference numbers on your letters or forms.

Street address

Greater Shepparton City Council
90 Welsford St
Shepparton, Victoria

Business Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday. (Temporary limited opening hours) 

Postal address

Greater Shepparton City Council
Locked Bag 1000,
Shepparton, Victoria 3632

Protected Disclosure

Council recognises the value of transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices, and supports the making of reports that reveal corrupt conduct, conduct involving a substantial mismanagement of public resources, or conduct involving a substantial risk to public health and safety or the environment.

Please visit our Protected Disclosure page for more information and to download a copy of our Protected Disclosure Policy.