Public Health Strategic Plan 2018 – 2028

Greater Shepparton City Council’s vision is to create a healthier, welcoming and liveable Greater Shepparton.
Greater Shepparton’s 10-Year Public Health Strategic Plan 2018–2028 (Health Plan) is the long term public health strategic planning tool used to guide the direction of public health efforts across the community.
The Health Plan “tells the story” of our unique Municipality and Council’s vision is to create Greater Shepparton as the most liveable region.
Greater Shepparton City Council has adopted the following definition of liveability and chosen 11 Liveability Domains that underpin the goals and priorities of the Health Plan.
‘A liveable place is one that is safe, attractive, socially cohesive and inclusive, and environmentally sustainable; with affordable and diverse housing linked to employment, education, public open spaces, local shops, health and community services, and leisure and cultural opportunities; via convenient public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure’. — Lowe, 2013
Liveability domains
- Access to Food
- Arts and Culture
- Community Participation
- Crime and Safety
- Education
- Employment
- Health and Social Services
- Housing
- Recreational Facilities and Public Open Spaces
- Sustainable Practices
- Transport
The Health Plan is reviewed annually by Greater Shepparton’s Public Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee, resulting in updates where necessary and demonstrates compliance of the key statutory requirements of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and the Local Government Act 2020.
For more information on the Greater Shepparton City Council 10 Year Public Strategic Health Plan contact Council on 5832 9400 or email
Download the Plan
Adopted 19 March 2019