Tatura Skate Park
Council is building a new skate park in Tatura to replace the deteriorating elements of the existing skate park. This project is funded by the Federal Government's LRCI (Local Roads and Community Infrastructure) program.
- The Tatura Skate Park was first opened in December 2000 and it is managed and maintained by Council’s Parks, Sport and Recreation Team.
- The need for this project arises from the deteriorating elements of the existing park.
- A new skate park was included into the 2024/2025 Budget, funded by the Federal Government's LRCI (Local Roads and Community Infrastructure) program.
- The first public consultation to obtain feedback from the community in relation to proposed elements for inclusion in the skate park design opened on 17 July 2024 with submissions accepted until 19 August 2024. A total of 25 design suggestions were given by the community online and one family attended the onsite consultation.
- Second public consultation listed five potential site locations for the community to vote on. Consultation was open from 9 to 20 December 2024. A community meeting was offered to the community on 16 December 2024 at 5.30pm to 7pm. The community voted on keeping the skate park in the current location at Flanagan’s Place, Mactier Park. A total of 59 people subscribed to the Tatura Skate Park further news updates.
Next steps
The consultants will present two concept designs, based on the community’s consultation and suggestions.
The two concept designs will be open for the community to provide feedback throughout the consultation period as outlined below.
Community consultation
- Online
- Community consultation will be open on the Shaping Greater Shepp website for two weeks from 9am on Monday 24 March 2025 and close 5pm on Friday 4 April 2025. A direct link will be available on this page during the consultation period.
- In-Person
- A community meeting will be held on Monday 24 March 2025 from 4:30pm to 6pm at Tatura Senior Citizens Hall, 2 Memorial Place, Tatura (Map)
Council anticipate providing the community with the final design, taking into consideration all feedback submitted in April.
The current Tatura Skate Park will be closed to the public from Tuesday 25 March for the duration of the project. The site will be fenced and the contractor will begin to remove the current skate elements and start to prepare the site.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the new skate park being constructed in its current location at Memorial Place Park, Tatura?
In December 2024, Council consulted with the community regarding the location for the new Tatura Skate Park. The majority of votes were in favour of retaining the skate park in its current location.
Will there be another location considered?
No. The location consultation has taken place and the majority of the community who responded requested the current location for the new skate park.
Why are two concept designs being presented to us?
Based on the first round of community consultation, feedback and suggestions from the community in relation to what they would like to see included in the Tatura Skate Park design were collected and provided to the skate park designer.
The designer has developed two concept designs incorporating as many of the ideas and requests submitted by the community into the designs.
The two concept designs are presented to the community for further consideration and feedback to enable tailoring of a final detailed design in preparation for construction. The community will be provided with a copy of the final detailed design prior to construction.
Why aren’t all of our design suggestions included in two concept design?
The designer has considered all feedback and ideas previously submitted to Council in developing the skate park concept designs. The designer has incorporated as many of the suggestions as possible into the design giving consideration to site constraints and construction budget.
Will there be seating incorporated into the new skate park?
The three existing bench seats will be reinstated upon completion of the new skate park.
Why aren’t there lights included in the design?
Lighting has not been included in the design as it falls outside of the funding for this project.