Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 24 March, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

A new friendship paves the way for future prosperity for Greater Shepparton

At this week’s Ordinary Council Meeting, Greater Shepparton City Council approved a friendship city agreement with the Jintan District, China for a period of five years.

Greater Shepparton representatives visited the Jintan District in September, during a visit to China in celebration of 30 years of relationship between the Jiangsu Province and Victorian Government. Letters of intent were then signed to enter into a Friendship City Agreement with Jintan.

The Jintan District is located in the Jiangsu Province in southern China with a most recent permanent resident population of 552,047 people. Within its 5 hour economic circle, there are 20 cities with a population of 435 million but with 50 per cent of the national GDP.

The Jintan District was identified as most prosperous for Council, with the pledge of friendship bringing many benefits by allowing Council to further work towards promoting the area and identifying a range of opportunities for Chinese investment.

The friendship city agreement will also promote communication and cooperation on fields of renewable energy, culture and education, increase the potential of trade and establish international student placement and Council exchange opportunities.


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