Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 10 January, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Activities in the Park – Summer School Holiday Fun

Greater Shepparton City Council would like to invite the media to participate in the Summer School holidays Activities in the Park program.

There are over 150 of free and low-cost activities on offer throughout the Greater Shepparton region friendly for all abilities in the community to take part in.  The program kicks off in January and runs through to May 2022. 

All sessions are delivered by local facilitators including sports clubs, businesses, community groups and state sporting associations. Like so many, the organisations that are participating in the activities have had a difficult 2 years. We are excited to be back providing activities for our community again.

This is the 10th year of the Program that has seen over 2,100 free and low cost activities delivered to over 96,000 participants. 

The program has had a delayed start due to restrictions associated with COVID. This year, all activities require pre-registration to assist us to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. 

For more information on the full program of activities visit Get Mooving Shepparton or like ‘Get Mooving Greater Shepparton’ on Facebook or download the free ‘Get Mooving’ app.


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