Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 7 April, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Alterations and Refurbishment of AFL Goulburn Murray offices at Kialla Park Community Centre

New alterations and refurbishment works have commenced at the AFL Goulburn Murray offices at Kialla Park Community Centre and are expected to be completed by the end of June 2017.

The AFL Goulburn Murray Commission organisation has undergone a sustained period of growth over recent years and now requires larger premises to facilitate current operations and continue to support community sporting programs.

The regional manager for AFL Goulburn Murray, Martin Gleeson said “We have well and truly outgrown our current office environment after significant growth over the past three years.”

“As we continue to grow resource and service levels for Leagues and clubs we have been exploring our options and I am pleased that as part of the renovations Kialla Park will become the region’s football and netball administrative hub into the future.”

“The finished project will be a much more conducive and appropriate workspace for staff as well as providing an effective administrative base for the football and netball community.”

Council has contributed $247,000 to the alterations and refurbishment of AFL Goulburn Murray offices at Kialla Park Community Centre and AFL GM have contributed all additional costs associated with the project.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker said “This project has the potential to develop into a regional sports administration hub in Greater Shepparton and will be of great benefit for the future of AFL and netball in the Greater Shepparton community.”

After completion of the project the new refurbishment will offer:

  • A Board room to seat 10-12 people which will also function as a Tribunal room
  • A second smaller meeting room to accommodate 4-6 people
  • A trophy cabinet to showcase League major trophies
  • A GVL Hall Of Fame physical display
  • Extra storage space
  • A revamped and more accessible front entrance
  • Workstations to accommodate up to 15 staff including Netball Victoria representation

Due to construction, there are limited car parks at the Kialla Park Community Centre.


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