Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 6 December, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Aquamoves campaign up with the best in Victoria

Aquamoves was a finalist in the Australian Marketing Institute Victorian awards held last Thursday night in Melbourne up against two major metropolitan campaigns.

Aquamoves was nominated for its Celebration Day and Membership Drive in the Consumer Acquisition Marketing category against Cricket Australia’s “Big Bash League – Who’s Game?” and the Stroke Foundation’s “Have you considered including a gift to the Stroke Foundation in your will?” campaigns. Cricket Australia was the winner in this category.

The campaign for the Celebration Day and Membership Drive was held in February 2016 and comprised a special day on 27 February to thank loyal members for disruption caused by carpark and renovation works at Aquamoves over previous months.

The Celebration Day was well attended and the Membership Drive exceeded expectations with hundreds of customers taking up special membership offers.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Community Kaye Thomson said for Aquamoves to be a finalist against two major organisations was an achievement in itself and the staff are to be congratulated for the excellent results from the campaign.

“For a regional local government health and fitness centre on a small budget to achieve the outcomes they did and to be recognised by the peak Australian marketing body as one of the top three in Victoria is fantastic,” said Ms Thomson.

“We are very pleased to receive recognition for the hard work that went into the campaign. In the end our Aquamoves members are the real winners!”


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