Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 4 March, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

BIG BIN BROTHER IS WATCHING! New trucks now use cameras

Greater Shepparton City Council contractor Wheelie Waste’s newest fleet of trucks now have cameras fully operational which will assist residents and council to ensure bins are picked up but also assist with reducing contamination rates.

 Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Environment Greg McKenzie said “the cameras are used to monitor the contamination for our three waste streams, landfill, recycling and green waste. Contamination costs council and in the long term costs rate payers, this is just another way to identify incorrect items being placed in bins and the properties that are disposing of their waste correctly or incorrectly”.

“Most residents dispose of their waste in the correct bin and they have nothing to worry about. We are more concerned about residents continually disposing of their waste incorrectly and costing all rate payers in the long term” said Mr McKenzie.

“In the last few years Wheelie Waste have had instances where the truck needed to be unloaded due to contamination, one example was when a battery was incorrectly disposed of causing a fire in the load in the truck. With the help of the cameras, the drivers will be able to see anything that may cause issues, instances such as these will be minimalized and improve the safety for the truck drivers as well,” said Mr McKenzie.

 “The other thing to remember — this technology has been developed over the years with contamination of waste streams in mind” said Mr McKenzie”.

CLICK HERE for more information about using bins correctly.


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