Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 9 March, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Celebrating International Women’s Day in Greater Shepparton

Greater Shepparton City Council and Greater Shepparton Women's Charter Advisory Committee will be celebrating International Women’s Day this year by partnering with GOTAFE and Fix Movement Performance to provide a range of career and health session for women in the region.

Celebrated globally on Monday 8 March each year, this year’s theme #choosetochallenge encourages the community to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness and take action for equality.

Women around the region will be able to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM roles (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and learn about the exciting career paths through GOTAFE as well as participate in a virtual health session or exercise class by Fix Movement Performance.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Councilor Kim O’Keeffe encourages members of the community to celebrate the women in our lives.

“It’s important as a community we support and celebrate the achievements of one another and our region is diverse and the talents, backgrounds and stories of our local women are equally diverse and deserve an applaud,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“We are extremely lucky to have such inspiring women here in Greater Shepparton who can encourage and promote more women to advance their careers, enjoy their lives and look after their health.

“I encourage members of Greater Shepparton community to sign up to a session and enjoy these wonderful events.”

The aim of the Greater Shepparton Women's Charter Advisory Committee (GSWCAC) is to support and promote women in leadership roles and all levels of decision-making, including business or workplace positions, community groups or boards of management.

The GSWCAC is looking forward to hosting this event and in keeping with previous year’s celebrations, anticipate the involvement of many people from across the region.

“Celebrating International Women’s Day virtually is certainly different to our events over the past few years, we have developed some great partnerships this year and are excited to share these opportunities with the community.” Angela McLeod, Chair of Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Advisory Committee

Owner of Fix Movement Performance Cher Hetherington said International Women’s Day was an important reminder for women to band together and celebrate.

“Fix Movement Performance and myself as the owner are excited to be involved in International Women’s week. I am proud to live in a country that l have been able to evolve myself as a business women and as a Myotherapist,” She said.

“I want more women to understand what they are capable of and with numbers we can keep building towards gender equality.

 “Strong Women in body and mind is what we are promoting this week at fix, so please join us! ask questions and get yourself involved.”

GOTAFE coordinator Business and Information, Wilna Fourie said, “I always come away from International Women’s Day so inspired by the diversity of the cultures, attitudes of life and careers we’ve all got.”

“I think we need to celebrate that diversity so much and continue feeding off it from each other. At International Women’s Day I feel challenged because I see people that are achieving so much, and I look up to them.

“It’s wonderful to have International Women’s Day because this is one of those moments where you find inspiration.”

For more information on upcoming International Women’s day events visit Council’s Facebook page.


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