Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 23 April, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council Announces grants under Our Sporting Future funding program: Round Two

The successful applications in round two of the Our Sporting Future Funding Program were approved at the April Ordinary Council Meeting.

The program assists sporting clubs with the implementation of small to medium-sized infrastructure development projects.

The funding also assists with development programs for new and developing sporting organisations throughout Greater Shepparton.

Funding was available under three categories:

  • Majors – for projects on a $1 for $1 basis but not exceeding $30,000
  • Minors– for projects on a $1 for $1 basis but not exceeding $15,000
  • Sports Aid - funding between $500 and $5,000 (without matching contributions) for special sports projects

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe said she was pleased Council can continue to support local sporting clubs and organisations.

“We hope this financial support will allow sporting clubs and organisations in Greater Shepparton to prosper and continue to grow,” she said.

“Our support in round two reaches right across Greater Shepparton from Tatura to Murchison and Katandra to Tallygaroopna.

“Thank you to all clubs and organisations who submitted an application and congratulations to those who were successful.”

Applications for funding are assessed in two rounds annually, with the first round closing at the end of July each year and the second round closing in February each year.

Our Sporting Future – Minors Category (allocations including GST)




Tallygaroopna Recreation Reserve Committee of Management

Air Conditioning and Ventilation


Tatura Lawn Tennis Club

TLTC Facilities Upgrade 2019


Murchison-Toolamba Football Netball Club

Netball Family Friendly Focus


Northern Victoria Show Jumping Club

Future Proofing World Cup Quality Arena


Katandra Cricket Club

Eagles Storage Shed


Tallygaroopna Bowling Club

Club Improvements


Shepparton United Football Netball Club

SUFNC Honour Board Upgrade


Our Sporting Future – Sports Aid Category (allocations including GST)




Shepparton Soccer Club

MiniRoos Kick Off for Girls  and Regional Girls Development Program


Shepparton Junior Soccer Association

The First Kinderoos Program


Tallygaroopna Football Netball Club

Tallygaroopna Junior Girls


Shepparton Athletics Club

Walk Up and Run Athletics


Shepparton Swans Football Netball Club

Strategic, Operational and Participation Growth Plan for our Organisation


Shepparton Soccer Club

MiniRoos Kick Off for Girls  and Regional Girls Development Program


 Our Sporting Future – Major Category




Central Park/St Brendan’s Cricket Club

Wicket Roller purchase and Storage Shed purchase and Install


Total: $105,341.42


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