Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 9 July, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council implements free timed off-street car parking in Council-owned car parks in Shepparton CBD

Greater Shepparton City Council has implemented free timed off-street parking in Council-owned car parks in the Shepparton CBD, after it was resolved at the Council Meeting in April this year.

Council originally resolved to implement the parking changes post the COVID-19 pandemic, as it was inappropriate to encourage the public to congregate in the CBD with state and federal government physical distancing requirements in place.

While the virus still presents a real threat to Victoria and Australia, and these restrictions are still mandatory, Council saw the shift towards recovery phase in regional Victoria as a time to begin encouraging the public back to the CBD.

The provision of free timed off-street parking now applies to more than 400 car parking spaces within seven Council-owned carparks in the Shepparton CBD.

The decisions on timing for each car park was made in consultation with the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce.

Council officers have been working in the CBD through early July to remove the existing ticket machines and install new signage to make the transition to free timed off-street parking.

The changes will improve the CBD experience and result in economic and social benefits, encouraging visitors to undertake business in the CBD, which will be crucial during the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes will provide people with free parking options to encourage them to spend more time shopping and dining, and accessing medical and educational facilities in the CBD.

“Council was pleased to provide a solution to CBD parking at the April Council Meeting that suits all stakeholders,” Mayor Cr Seema Abdullah said.

“While we knew we would be waiting an indefinite amount of time to implement the changes, we are excited to now be making the changes in the CBD.

“We hope these changes to parking in the CBD will encourage people back into the area to help reboot our economy; however we remind residents that COVID-19 is still a threat to our community and we need to act in a manner that acknowledges this.

“We thank the key businesses, community groups and CBD visitors who had their say on the parking changes, and we look forward to the introduction of CBD free timed off-street parking on Monday 13 July.”

Parking is free in Council owned off-street carparks only, it does not include private carparks such as the Multi-deck in Stewart Street, the Care carparks or the GV Health carpark. Please observe the time limits, fines apply for overstaying.


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