Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 9 October, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council reminds owners to maintain vacant blocks

Greater Shepparton City Council is reminding land owners to ensure their vacant land is kept mown and free of rubbish and other debris leading into the warmer weather.

Council’s Local Laws department says with the weather warming up snakes are becoming more active and long grass may pose a fire risk to surrounding houses.

“Keeping vegetation at an acceptable level will assist in reducing the risk to other home owners and residents,” says Manager Citizens Services Laurienne Winbanks. “Owners need to be reminded that under the Local Law #1 Community Living they are responsible for the maintenance of their land.”

“If we receive a complaint about the condition of vacant land we inspect the property within a day or two at the most and either send a Caution/Notice to Comply or ring the owner and request the problem be rectified.”

“In 99 per cent of cases the owners comply and rectify the situation within seven days,” said Ms Winbanks.

Council recently received a complaint about long grass on a vacant block in the Channel Road area which was inspected by a Council Local Laws Officer last week and again today to ensure the owner was taking action.

“The property was first photographed on 1 October and again today, 9 October, by the Officer. The area has been slashed and being such a large area it is a work in progress but the owner is undertaking the work required within the timeframe,” said Ms Winbanks.

“The Council guidelines are 75mm for grass length and there are no issues with any other residential development sites in that area,” she said.


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