The Murchison Neighbourhood House has been affected by the larger liquidation of assets by Murchison Community Care, which was recently placed into receivership.
The building, which currently houses Murchison Neighbourhood House (Township Zone), is now scheduled for sale.
The site holds the Neighbourhood House, two residential units, a Men’s Shed and operates services such as maternal and child health services, the Goulburn Region Pre-School Association, a hairdresser and health professionals.
“Council is pleased to be able to support the potential purchase of the Murchison Neighbourhood House, by the Murchison Neighbourhood House Committee of Management,” Mayor Cr Seema Abdullah said.
“The Neighbourhood House provides services that are important to the local community, and this purchase would ensure that the house continues to operate and provide these services.
“The potential purchase of the building will go a long way to ensuring the future of Murchison Neighbourhood House – which is an integral part of the Murchison community.”
The payment is a one-off payment, and does not commit Council to any future maintenance costs or other costs associated with the premises.
The payment is subject to the COM securing enough funding from other sources to enable the purchase and is subject to the COM providing proof of sale.