Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 4 May, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council supports State Government’s investment in regional rail

Greater Shepparton City Council has welcomed an investment from the Victorian Government of $257m for new VLocity carriages, however it is disappointing there is still no commitment for improved rail services and infrastructure for Greater Shepparton.

Greater Shepparton Mayor Dennis Patterson said Council was working with Independent Member for Shepparton Suzanna Sheed and the Committee for Greater Shepparton to lobby for improved rail services and rail infrastructure.

“The announcement of $257million forms part of the Victorian Government’s Rolling Stock Strategy, which will hopefully be a good sign for Greater Shepparton,” Cr Patterson said.

“In 2014, as part of the Make Shepparton Greater campaign, Greater Shepparton conducted a survey into passenger rail services and received more than 2,100 responses which clearly showed the need to improve rail infrastructure as well as services between Shepparton and Melbourne.

“I encourage residents to join the All Aboard campaign and board the 6.31am train bound for Parliament House on Thursday 28 May to let the Victorian Government know exactly what passenger rail services we need.

“Council is committed to continuing discussions with the State Government, to work towards providing more frequent and reliable passenger rail services between Shepparton and Melbourne for the people of Greater Shepparton.”

For more information about the All Aboard campaign ‘like’ All Aboard Shepparton and Make Shepparton Greater on Facebook.


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