Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 19 December, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council’s waste strategy out for mid-term review

Greater Shepparton City Council’s 2013-2023 Waste and Resource Recovery Management Strategy is out for feedback after a scheduled mid-term review presented to Council this week.

This revised strategy continues with the 2013-2023 goals for waste to be managed in a reliable and sustainable manner for future generations. The revised strategy is structured on the five key areas of kerbside waste collection; resource recovery centres; landfill; waste education and Litter and illegal dumping.

Under the five key areas, the strategy defines the current situation ‘where are we now’ in the management of waste. It then seeks to develop an understanding of ‘where we need to be’ and by identifying the gaps between our current situation and future aspirations, strategic actions have been established to achieve the desired outcome. The revised document also directly assesses and makes recommendations on a number of specific initiatives.

The waste strategy provides Council with a long-term plan towards meeting improved waste and recycling options for a sustainable future. With the revision of the waste strategy, positive environmental impacts will be achieved through increased diversion of waste from landfill; the potential to reduce greenhouse gases compliant with emissions standards; and increased rates of recycling and reuse of existing waste products.

Greater Shepparton City Council has many waste management and environmental legislative responsibilities to comply with. There is a community expectation that Council will proactively avoid waste, preserve the environment, and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

The Strategy is geared towards ensuring our waste management practices progress with improvements in the industry’s technology and development of more efficient waste management.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keefe said “The Strategy aims to deliver waste and recycling services that achieve a balance between accessibility, affordability and sustainability.”

“Community education plays a key role toward reducing contamination rates and diverting as much waste as possible from landfill,” said Cr O’Keeffe.

The revised Waste Strategy identifies opportunities to improve Council’s current waste management practices in line with the 2017-2021 Council Plan and Victorian government policies and legislation.

Council have consulted with representatives from both the Goulburn Valley Waste Resource Recovery Group and Sustainability Victoria in developing the revised plan. The community are invited to visit the Council website to read the strategy and provide feedback. If you would like a hard copy of the draft strategy please contact Customer Service on 5832 9700.


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