Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 29 May, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council customer satisfaction rate rises

Greater Shepparton City Council has improved its customer satisfaction rate in a survey recently released by the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure on behalf of Victorian councils.

The survey stated that Council has seen considerable improvements in its performance on all five core measures in the past 12 months. These measures include job performance, council direction, consultation and engagement, advocacy, and customer service.

Council's overall performance rose by 7 points from 51 to 58. The state average score is 61 with 59 for regional centres.

In regards to Council direction the score rose from 51 to 59 with residents twice as likely to describe Council performance as improving (30%) than deteriorating (13%). In job satisfaction Council fares considerably better than the state-wide and regional centres with score of 59 compared to 53.

Greater Shepparton City Council rates most highly in customer service with 72 rising from 68 in 2012 increasing by two points each year. Gains were made in the perception of Council advocacy which increased by 8 points in the past year from 54 to 62. Council exceeds state and regional averages by 6 points on this measure.

Council has rated highly in community consultation with an improvement of four points from 55 to 59, which outperforms both the regional and state-wide averages.

In regards to attitudes by age, seniors (65 plus) are most favourably disposed with adults 35-49 least favourable towards Council on core performance. Ratings increased significantly among women on almost all core performance measures.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Jenny Houlihan said the results of the survey are extremely pleasing and indicate that the Council and the CEO are leading a strong, united local government organisation.

"The results prove that Greater Shepparton City Council is one of the best in regional Victoria and surpasses metropolitan councils in some measures," said Cr Houlihan. "I am confident that our Council is working hard for its residents and providing excellent customer service."

Each year Local Government Victoria (LGV) coordinates and auspices this State-wide Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey throughout Victorian local government areas. The survey was conducted from 31 January to 11 March 2014. The survey is a random probability survey of residents aged 18 years and over in local councils.


You can download a copy of the survey document below.  



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