Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 14 June, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Detailed designs completed for landscaping in Mooroopna

Greater Shepparton City Council is pleased to advise that it has now completed detailed designs for landscaping in McLennan Street, Mooroopna.

In 2015, Council began consultation with the Mooroopna community and developed concept plans for the landscaping of McLennan Street. 

Council has now converted the concept plans into detailed designs ready for construction.

The area under consideration was divided into eight blocks for the concept designs, and detailed designs have now been completed for six of the eight blocks. Construction is planned to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

Council Mayor Cr Kim O’Keeffe encouraged locals to have a look at the designs.

“I want to thank the Mooroopna community for their assistance in developing the concept plans, their guidance has gone a long way to shaping the designs,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“There are many different ways to view the designs, so I encourage everyone to have a look.”

Copies of the designs can be viewed at the Mooroopna Library, 9-11 Morell Street Mooroopna, the Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre, 23 Alexandra Street Mooroopna, the Council offices, 90 Welsford Street Shepparton and on Council’s website.

The designs will be on display until 21 June 2019.

The designs can be viewed online here.


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