Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 7 June, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

"Dob In A Dealer" launched in Greater Shepparton

Today Crime Stoppers launched its two-week intensive Dob in a Dealer campaign at Shepparton's Welsford St Police Station.

Shepparton residents are being urged to report what they know about the manufacture and distribution of crystal methylamphetamine (‘ice’) and other illicit drugs in their neighbourhoods to Crime Stoppers.

The second Dob in a Dealer campaign to be rolled out in Shepparton, the first was delivered in March last year contributing to a 400 per cent increase in drug related Information Reports to Crime Stoppers.

Residents are once again urged to contact Crime Stoppers to confidentially report any information relating to people who may be bringing harmful drugs into the local community.

Victoria Police Inspector Haydn Downes, along with Acting Superintendent  Libby Murphy and Chris Plumridge, Communications Coordinator Crime Stoppers Victoria at today's launch.

"We are asking Shepparton residents to once again support us in our campaign to stop the flow of illicit drugs into the region," said Crime Stoppers Victoria Communications Coordinator Chris Plumridge.

"Too many of us know someone affected by ice and other illicit drugs, and the devastating impact the substances continue to have on individuals, families and the wider community.

"Dob in a Dealer is a community engagement campaign. It’s about empowering every member of the community to play a part in reducing the manufacture and supply of illicit drugs.

"Please pick up the phone, or report online any piece of information you have relating to the manufacture or supply of ice or other illicit drugs in to your town. Anything you tell Crime Stoppers will be in complete confidence, but could assist police in identifying who is manufacturing or dealing drugs in your community.

"Making a report to Crime Stoppers is completely confidential. Every piece of information you provide can help solve crimes and reduce the supply of illicit drugs to regional Victoria."

Crime Stoppers’ Dob in a Dealer program is being rolled out across Australia to aid in the detection and disruption of drugs being supplied across the nation.

The Victorian element of the campaign got underway in Wangaratta on April 11 and will continue to roll out across the state over the coming months.

In total 17 campaigns will be delivered in Victoria between April to July and more than 75 nation-wide.

"We are extremely pleased that Crime Stoppers’ Dob in a Dealer campaign is returning to Shepparton in 2016," said Acting Supt for Shepparton Libby Murphy.

"We take a zero tolerance approach to the manufacture and supply of any drugs into our community. Illicit drug use and drug-related crime continues to have a significant impact on communities in metropolitan, regional and rural Victoria.

"A whole of community approach is needed to tackle the flow of illicit drugs in to our regional towns and cities and Dob in a Dealer provides people with a way to contribute to this fight by providing vital information about drug offending in their area to police."

Methylamphetamine is a complex issue involving not only law enforcement, but is increasingly identified as a health issue. Dob in a Dealer is aimed at identifying the manufacturers and distributors of methylamphetamine and other illicit drugs, rather than the end user.

Crime Stoppers is aware that some people reporting may have an existing addiction to drugs or may be family members of someone suffering an addiction. Crime Stoppers will refer those who require assistance to local health care agencies where they can discuss treatment options.

If you or someone you know is affected by drug use or addiction, please contact support services such as Family Drug Help on 1300 660 068 or Youth Support and Advocacy Service on 1800 014 446.

If you know something, say something!

Report information confidentially online at or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


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