Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 7 December, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Economic forum provides valuable insights for Greater Shepparton’s future 

NAB Business and Agri, Shepparton is to be congratulated on the running the recent Our Goulburn Valley, Our Future economic forum aiming to assist local business and industry plan for their sustainability now and into the future.

The forum ran with support from Greater Shepparton City Council and Committee for Greater Shepparton, with approximately 140 business people in attendance.

The forum featured a key note address from Tom Taylor, Head of International Economics at NAB. In addition, Dr Robert Faggian from Deakin University gave an overview of the potential impacts of climate change and how businesses can plan, with a panel discussion concluding the day.

The aim of the NAB presentation was to provide an overview of the Greater Shepparton economy, including strategies of how to build a stronger region and community.

The forum continued to reinforce the Greater Shepparton economy being underpinned by irrigated agriculture, with water security being an imperative.  “We know that in the Greater Shepparton region, irrigated agriculture allows other industries and small businesses to prosper,” explained Mr Taylor.

“However it is vital for any community not to put all its eggs in one basket, with tourism, retail, health and other professional services along with exports also strong contributors and worthy of future consideration and investment.

“There have been some positive signs for the region recently including employment trending higher, and the jobless rate trending down, major public sector construction projects underway such as the Shepparton Court House or announcements like the GV Health redevelopment, lower water prices and greater availability after a seasonal break, and an upturn in global dairy prices.”

Mr Taylor suggested that there are still challenges on the horizon for Greater Shepparton to remain competitive, pointing to the need to lift average profitability in the irrigated agricultural sector and ensuring access and affordable pricing for water in the face of climate change. He also identified improving transport linkages between Greater Shepparton and Melbourne – both road and rail – as a key challenge.

Dr Faggian discussed long term impact of climate change on locally grown commodities and how growers need to adapt their current farming methods to be sustainable. “Changes to farming practices needs to happen sooner rather than later before things get too nasty”, explained Dr Faggian. “Climate change such as less water and warmer temperatures will create conditions that will be suitable for some commodities while others are likely to struggle. Having this information now will help growers plan for the short and long term”.

Forum attendee Greater Shepparton City Councillor Fern Summer suggests that, “We must get the message out that Greater Shepparton is a preferred lifestyle choice by many, for a variety of reasons. We are a major events and sporting destination also offering arts and culture, food and wine experiences, while harbouring many convenient services, employment opportunities and affordable housing. I'd like to think Our Goulburn Valley, Our Future, is most certainly on the right track in encouraging us to strategically plan for our future.”


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