Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 8 October, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Feedback wanted on Future Direction of Sports Stadium

Greater Shepparton City Council is seeking feedback on its Shepparton Sports Stadium Future Direction Plan.

The plan, which has been developed after 12 months of extensive study and consultation with stakeholders including the key user groups outlines the proposed future development of the facility which includes two new courts, including a 2000 seat show court and events space, the addition of six new squash courts, new multi-purpose room, new entrance and reception, refurbishment of existing courts and multi-purpose room, refurbished amenities and a new mezzanine sports house and administrative hub.

 Council’s Manager Active Living Tony Tranter encouraged feedback from all parts of the community.

 “We want to gather as many views as we can as it is important we can cater to future demand as use of the stadium is only going to continue to grow,” Mr Tranter said.

 “An expansion of the stadium will encourage increased participation in recreation activities, by an estimated 50,000 visits per year and will contribute to improved community health outcomes by introducing new opportunities for community participation in sport and recreational activities.

 “It is important to remember that at this stage there is no funding for this project and we will be lobbying for funding from a number of sources in the future.”

 Feedback will be received until 5.00pm Friday 31 October 2014.  

For more information, including to view the Future Direction Plan and provide feedback, visit



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