Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 1 July, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Fryers Street pedestrian improvements completed

Greater Shepparton City Council is pleased to advise the pedestrian safety works in Fryers Street are complete.

Local contractors Jarvis Delahey Contractors began works in Fryers Street towards the end of May and have successfully completed the works ahead of time.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Phil Hoare said he appreciated the cooperation and patience of businesses and road users during the works.

“Council understands road works in the CBD create disruption to traffic, businesses and parking and it was pleasing to have the works completed and the road back open to traffic ahead of time,” Mr Hoare said.

“It was also pleasing to have the businesses work with Council on how best to schedule the works to minimize disruption.

“The pedestrian crossing improvements assist in slowing vehicles and improve visibility of pedestrians, making our CBD safer for pedestrians. In particular the realignment of the crossing at the Fryers and Corio Street intersection has addressed a safety issue that has been raised by many residents.”

“Funding for these improvement works was provided as part of Regional Roads Victoria’s Safe System Infrastructure Program.”

Similar improvements to pedestrian crossings were also completed in other areas such as Corio Street and North Street.


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