Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 21 February, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Funding for Fruit Fly program needs to continue

The successful Goulburn Murray Valley Regional Fruit Fly Program (GMVRFFP) will cease in June 2020 unless further funding is provided from the State Government to protect the Goulburn Valley’s important fruit industry.

The Goulburn Valley has benefited greatly from the current Queensland Fruit Fly funded efforts and the Fruit Fly Coordinator position which has led to improved management, education and control of what is known as a serial pest within the horticultural industry. The campaign has successfully reduced the Queensland Fruit Fly populations in the region by 60 per cent since it was introduced in 2017.

Greater Shepparton City Council has written to the Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Jaclyn Symes for continued funding of this important and successful program.

Mayor, Cr Seema Abdullah, says the fruit industry is pertinent to the future of the Goulburn Valley and the horticultural industry is a key driver of the local economy.  “Fruit fly can cause severe damage to the fruit industry and could cost the Goulburn Valley millions of dollars if not effectively managed. Whilst the program has been successful, for the Victorian Government to not fund this program further would be a huge step backwards in controlling Queensland Fruit Fly.”

“We are currently experiencing growth in exports and there is the ongoing potential for additional growth and managing fruit fly is critical to the region’s economic sustainability and its clean and green reputation. It is important that funding occurs immediately and for future years to protect the industry and the jobs it creates both directly and indirectly.”

The GMVRFFP is a partnership between Agriculture Victoria, Fruit Growers Victoria, Cobram and District Fruit Growers Association and Campaspe, Shepparton, Strathbogie, Berrigan and Moira councils as well as Lions International District 201V6.

The Victorian Government has already contributed $2.4 million ($800,000 per year) to this program with funding scheduled to cease in June 2020.

“It’s an innovative program and proof of its success is the recent awards the program has won and the industry ownership and participation in this project,” said Cr Abdullah.

The program received the Regional Achiever of the Year Award as well as winning first place in the Prime Super Agricultural Innovation Awards.


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