Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 22 October, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Getting flood ready in Greater Shepparton

Do you have a flood plan? Do you know what to do if a flood threatens your property? Do you know how to use sandbags?

All of these answers and more are available on the VICSES website and help you prepare for a flood emergency. 

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has confirmed that a La Nina system will affect Australia this spring. A La Nina is a weather pattern that brings high rainfall, and increases the risk of flash and riverine flooding. These flood events have occurred in 12 out of 18 similar La Nina weather events since 1900 - somewhere around Australia.

In 2010/2011, 140 townships, 68,000 properties and 7,500 people were impacted by flooding across Victoria, with now the time to prepare for potentially similar outcomes.

Local Flood Guide

VICSES has developed 120 easy-to-read local flood guides with one specifically for Greater Shepparton.

Floods are the second deadliest natural disaster in Australia, with the majority of fatalities due to people being washed away in vehicles. It takes only 15cm of water to float a small car; never take a risk of driving or walking through flood waters.

VICSES wants Victorians in low laying areas to know the basic steps of sandbagging and what to do when impacted by a major flood.

This means:

  1. Sourcing sandbags prior to a flooding event and knowing how to bag doors and water entry points*
  2. Blocking drains and toilets to prevent back-flow with sandbags inside a garbage bag
  3. Lifting valuable items onto tables or benches 
  4. Leaving your home for somewhere safer such as the home of family or friends on higher ground.

* In a flood event the SES assist and provide sandbags. This is not a Council activity. You can also purchase sandbags from local hardware stores but the sand is not included. In the event of a flood in an area there would be emergency advice provided. 

To help you prepare download the Flood Checklist pdf. 

The VICSES Flood Response (non-life threatening) number is 132 500.  If there is an immediate risk to life phone 000.

You can read more on BOM’s La Nina outlook here, and VICSES sandbagging guides here. There is also flood information on Council's website



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