Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 15 November, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Greater Shepparton on board to strengthen MDBA community links

A program to strengthen the connections between the Murray–Darling Basin Authority and regional communities began this month with the appointment of an officer hosted by the Greater Shepparton City Council.

The newly appointed Regional Engagement Officer (REO), Merrill Boyd, has lived in the Shepparton region for many years, working as a journalist, communications consultant and irrigator. With qualifications in business management and engagement, Ms Boyd has strong links with local communities, landholders and local government.

Chief Executive of the MDBA, Phillip Glyde, said having Ms Boyd on board provided a new avenue for local people to feed their experiences, concerns and aspirations back to the MDBA, and was an important step towards greater community understanding of the Basin Plan.

"Ms Boyd is one of five part-time REOs that started in the job this month. They are bringing with them impressive skills and experience, which are matched by the expertise of their host organisations," Mr Glyde said.

Greater Shepparton City Council chief executive officer Peter Harriott welcomed the opportunity brought by the REO program to further build the council’s relationship with the MDBA to benefit the Shepparton district.

"The council has a strong investment in regional water issues. Together with our established networks, we will be helping the MDBA to deliver the Basin Plan for the good of communities and the environment in this part of the basin," Mr Harriott said.

The REOs will get together monthly as part of the pilot program. The other organisations hosting a REO include the Wentworth Shire Council, North East Catchment Management Authority, Leeton Shire Council, SA Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resource Management Board and Regional Development Australia Darling Downs and South West Queensland.


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