Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 7 March, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Make Shepparton Greater campaign launched

A new campaign to lobby for a better deal for Shepparton to both sides of politics before the November State election was launched today in Shepparton with members of the community, industry and business in attendance.

Greater Shepparton is expected to play a significant role in the future growth and development of Northern Victoria. This means providing employment and essential health, education, aged-care and culturally responsive services. As the regional population expands and demand accelerates, the infrastructure that supports the delivery of such services is failing to keep pace.

Despite this Greater Shepparton, apart from investment for irrigation modernisation (which benefits the broader north of Victoria), funding to modernise the municipality has not over recent times received State funding (especially in the areas of transport and health) to support its strategic regional role and population growth outlook.

In the lead up to the Victorian Government Election in November 2014, this provides the ideal opportunity for Greater Shepparton to lobby both sides of government with the aim of securing government support and investment for much needed projects that will have significant influence on our future prosperity.

The campaign looks at five main projects to ‘Make Shepparton Greater' - the Shepparton Court redevelopment, construction of the GV bypass, increased and improved passenger rail services, the redevelopment of GV Health and the revitalisation of Shepparton's CBD.

The funding and works required are as follows:
• Shepparton Court redevelopment. Demolition of the existing building and construction of a new Shepparton Court: $70m
• Shepparton Bypass. Construction of a four-lane section of the Goulburn Valley Highway: $966m
• Passenger Rail services. Increase the frequency and quality of passenger rail services from Shepparton to Melbourne and vice versa with a five-train daily return service with three funding options detailed.
• GV Health redevelopment. Redevelopment of GV Health's Shepparton Campus with a series of staged works over a five year construction cycle: $150m
• Shepparton CBD revitalisation. Vaughan Street and Maude Street redevelopment, $37.5m. Shepparton Railway Station Precinct Development: $2.5m.
The actions for each project will feature a variety of ways in which the community is able to get involved in lobbying both the Victorian Government and the Opposition with what is needed to continue to make Greater Shepparton prosperous and a vibrant place to live, work, invest and visit, well into the future.

Mayor of Greater Shepparton City Council, Jenny Houlihan, said "It was very exciting to be involved in the launch of the campaign today. The campaign focuses on getting a better deal for Greater Shepparton with which ever political party wins government in November."

"Most importantly, this needs to be a community effort, so get involved and make sure you are heard," said Cr Houlihan.

For detail about the campaign visit the ‘Make Shepparton Greater' website or the ‘Make Shepparton Greater Facebook' page. There was also information in a comprehensive insert in the Shepparton News today.


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