Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 14 August, 2013. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Take the opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s leading Economists

The next Goulburn Valley Business Rural and Industry Network (GV BRaIN) will give attendees the opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s leading Economists.

Alan Oster, is NAB's Group Chief Economist and will speak about the future economic environment, the outlook for the global economy, the end of the mining boom and the challenges, opportunities and risks faced by businesses.

Greater Shepparton Mayor Jenny Houlihan said this was a fantastic opportunity to hear from a leading economics expert.

"In tough economic times, it is important to get an idea of where both the local economy is headed, as well as the Australian and global economies," Cr Houlihan said.

"The GV BRaIN dinners provide an opportunity to not only hear from expert speakers, but also network and share ideas with other business owners."

GV BRaIN encourages the development of the Greater Shepparton business community by providing opportunities for like-minded individuals to meet and share ideas.

The dinner will be held on Wednesday 28 August from 6.00pm in the Cabaret Room, GV Hotel 233 High Street, Shepparton. Tickets are available at $75 (all inclusive). Bookings are essential, contact Riverlinks on (03) 5832 9511.

For more information contact Rohan Sali on (03) 5832 9700.

Bio - Alan Oster

Alan Oster is NAB's Group Chief Economist. Alan joined the Bank in 1992 from the Federal Treasury where he worked for 15 years - his special field being economic forecasting and monetary policy.

Immediately before joining the Bank, Alan was the Senior Adviser in Treasury responsible for economic forecasting and modelling. In 1987 he was seconded for nearly four years as Counsellor-Economic and Financial with Australia's delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris.

As Group Chief Economist, Alan is responsible for NAB's global economic and financial forecasts. He is also a highly respected and much quoted commentator on Australian and global economic trends and policy issues.

- Released 14 August 2013


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