Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 22 November, 2023. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Have your say ahead of Council’s 2024/2025 Budget

Work is already underway on Greater Shepparton City Council’s 2024/2025 Budget and the community are encouraged to share their feedback to help shape the upcoming document.

The Budget sets where Council will allocate funding for the provision of capital works and delivery of services for the next financial year, to meet the goals of the 2021-2025 Council Plan. The document outlines how resources will be prioritised to deliver over 120 important services to the community, along with the maintenance, renewal and upgrade of $1.9 billion of community assets.

This year, Council has brought forward community engagement to allow for submissions to be received ahead of the draft Budget being developed. By doing this, the community will have the opportunity to influence and guide the development stage, allowing greater input into the final document.

To begin the 2024/2025 Budget process, Council is seeking feedback over the next three weeks to understand the community’s priorities via an online survey. When filling out the survey, community members will be given the option to request an in-person submission to discuss their feedback with Council. These formal submissions will be heard in February 2024, around the same time the draft operating and capital budgets are developed.

The draft Budget will then be endorsed for public display at the April Council Meeting, with the public able to review and provide further feedback on the document.

“By engaging with the community before the draft Budget is developed, we hope to better understand the needs of residents and find out what their priorities are for the next financial year,” Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali said.

“Community feedback is an extremely important part of compiling Council’s annual Budget. By undertaking pre-draft consultation and inviting residents to speak to us in February ahead of the document being developed, we are giving the community the best chance of influencing the Budget and where money is allocated.

“We want to know what people would like to see funded, whether they know of any necessary upgrades to infrastructure or community facilities across the region, or would like funding for major programs. Community feedback is very valuable and I encourage everyone to have their say now.”

Council have developed an online survey via the Shaping Greater Shepp website which asks residents a series of questions to find out which services and programs are most used, and where people would like to see funds allocated. The survey shows how every $100 is allocated by Council to provide services to the community and where every $100 comes from. The survey also asks residents which capital works programs they most value and where they would like to see funds spent in the future.

In planning for the 2024/2025 Budget, Council is prioritising the renewal of existing assets in line with its Financial Plan 2021-2031. The Budget funds the upgrade of critical assets such as the Margaret Street Pump Station in Tatura, in addition to community projects like shade sails and youth sport half basketball courts which were funded in the 2023/2024 Budget.

Through the development stage, Council must endeavour to balance the needs and aspirations of the community with long-term financial sustainability. In recent years, COVID and the floods have impacted Council's ability to generate revenue from user fees and charges, and Council's total rates revenue has been capped by the State Government. Some expenses have also risen significantly, such as insurance and utilities.

As a result of these pressures, Council has less funds available to fund new assets or more services. Because of this, Cr Sali says it is important Council prioritises the needs of the community while ensuring projects and initiatives complement existing plans and strategies adopted by Council.

“It is important to manage expectations when it comes to setting the Budget. In planning for the 2024/2025 Budget, Council aims to achieve high levels of service and affordability for the community while maintaining financial sustainability for future generations,” he said.

“It is a balancing act and one which requires a lot of work. The more feedback we receive from the community in the next few weeks, the better we will be to understand the community’s needs and desires for our region, and where we need to be to achieve financial sustainability.”

The 2024/2025 Budget consultation survey is open to all Greater Shepparton residents from now until Friday 8 December 2023. Visit to view the survey and have your say.

For more information or to chat with someone from Council’s Finance team, phone 5832 9700.


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